Source code for abtem.potentials.iam

"""Module for describing electrostatic potentials using the independent atom model."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from functools import partial
from functools import reduce
from numbers import Number
from operator import mul
from typing import Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Type

import dask
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase.cell import Cell
from import chemical_symbols

from abtem.array import ArrayObject, _validate_lazy
from abtem.atoms import (
from abtem.core.axes import (
from abtem.core.axes import ThicknessAxis, FrozenPhononsAxis, AxisMetadata
from abtem.core.backend import get_array_module, validate_device
from abtem.core.chunks import generate_chunks, Chunks, chunk_ranges
from abtem.core.chunks import validate_chunks
from abtem.core.complex import complex_exponential
from import HasAcceleratorMixin, Accelerator, energy2sigma
from abtem.core.ensemble import Ensemble, _wrap_with_array, unpack_blockwise_args
from abtem.core.grid import Grid, HasGridMixin
from abtem.core.utils import EqualityMixin, CopyMixin, get_dtype
from abtem.inelastic.phonons import (
from abtem.integrals import (
from abtem.measurements import Images
from abtem.slicing import (

    from abtem.waves import Waves, BaseWaves
    from abtem.parametrizations import Parametrization
    from abtem.integrals import FieldIntegrator

[docs] class BaseField(Ensemble, HasGridMixin, EqualityMixin, CopyMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta): @property @abstractmethod def base_shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: pass @property @abstractmethod def num_configurations(self): """Number of frozen phonons in the ensemble of potentials.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def base_axes_metadata(self): pass def _get_exit_planes_axes_metadata(self): return ThicknessAxis(label="z", values=tuple(self.exit_thicknesses)) @property @abstractmethod def exit_planes(self) -> tuple[int]: """The "exit planes" of the potential. The indices of slices where a measurement is returned.""" pass @property def _exit_plane_after(self): exit_plane_index = 0 exit_planes = self.exit_planes if exit_planes[0] == -1: exit_plane_index += 1 is_exit_plane = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=bool) for i in range(len(is_exit_plane)): if i == exit_planes[exit_plane_index]: is_exit_plane[i] = True exit_plane_index += 1 return is_exit_plane @property def exit_thicknesses(self) -> tuple[float]: """The "exit thicknesses" of the potential. The thicknesses in the potential where a measurement is returned.""" thicknesses = np.cumsum(self.slice_thickness) if self.exit_planes[0] == -1: return tuple( np.insert( thicknesses[np.array(self.exit_planes[1:], dtype=int)], 0, 0.0 ) ) else: return tuple(thicknesses[np.array(self.exit_planes, dtype=int)]) @property def num_exit_planes(self) -> int: """Number of exit planes.""" return len(self.exit_planes) @abstractmethod def generate_slices(self, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None): pass @abstractmethod def build( self, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None, chunks: int = 1, lazy: bool = None, ): pass def __len__(self) -> int: return self.num_slices @property def num_slices(self) -> int: """Number of projected potential slices.""" return len(self.slice_thickness) @property @abstractmethod def slice_thickness(self) -> np.ndarray: """Slice thicknesses for each slice.""" pass @property def slice_limits(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """The entrance and exit thicknesses of each slice [Å].""" cumulative_thickness = np.cumsum(np.concatenate(((0,), self.slice_thickness))) return [ (cumulative_thickness[i], cumulative_thickness[i + 1]) for i in range(len(cumulative_thickness) - 1) ] @property def thickness(self) -> float: """Thickness of the potential [Å].""" return sum(self.slice_thickness) def __iter__(self): for slic in self.generate_slices(): yield slic
[docs] def project(self) -> Images: """ Sum of the potential slices as an image. Returns ------- projected : Images The projected potential. """ return
@property def _default_ensemble_chunks(self) -> tuple: return validate_chunks(self.ensemble_shape, (1,) * len(self.ensemble_shape))
[docs] def to_images(self): """ Converts the potential to an ensemble of images. Returns ------- image_ensemble : Images The potential slices as images. """ return
[docs] def show(self, project: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Show the potential projection. This requires building all potential slices. Parameters ---------- project : bool, optional Show the projected potential (True, default) or show all potential slices. It is recommended to index a subset of the potential slices when this keyword set to False. kwargs : Additional keyword arguments for the show method of :class:`.Images`. """ if project: return self.project().show(**kwargs) else: if "explode" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["explode"] = True return self.to_images().show(**kwargs)
[docs] class BasePotential(BaseField): """Base class of all potentials. Documented in the subclasses.""" @property def base_shape(self): """Shape of the base axes of the potential.""" return (self.num_slices,) + self.gpts @property def base_axes_metadata(self): """List of AxisMetadata for the base axes.""" return [ ThicknessAxis( label="z", values=tuple(np.cumsum(self.slice_thickness)), units="Å" ), RealSpaceAxis( label="x", sampling=self.sampling[0], units="Å", endpoint=False ), RealSpaceAxis( label="y", sampling=self.sampling[1], units="Å", endpoint=False ), ]
def _validate_potential( potential: Atoms | BasePotential, waves: BaseWaves = None ) -> BasePotential: if isinstance(potential, (Atoms, BaseFrozenPhonons)): device = None if waves is not None: device = waves.device potential = Potential(potential, device=device) # elif not isinstance(potential, BasePotential): # raise ValueError() if waves is not None and potential is not None: potential.grid.match(waves) return potential def _validate_exit_planes(exit_planes, num_slices): if isinstance(exit_planes, int): if exit_planes >= num_slices: return (num_slices - 1,) exit_planes = list(range(exit_planes - 1, num_slices, exit_planes)) if exit_planes[-1] != (num_slices - 1): exit_planes.append(num_slices - 1) exit_planes = (-1,) + tuple(exit_planes) elif exit_planes is None: exit_planes = (num_slices - 1,) return exit_planes def _require_cell_transform(cell, box, plane, origin): if box == tuple(np.diag(cell)): return False if not is_cell_orthogonal(cell): return True if box is not None: return True if plane != "xy": return True if origin != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): return True return False class _FieldBuilder(BaseField): def __init__( self, array_object: Type[FieldArray], slice_thickness: float | tuple[float, ...], exit_planes: int | tuple[int, ...], cell: np.ndarray | Cell, gpts: int | tuple[int, int] = None, sampling: float | tuple[float, float] = None, box: tuple[float, float, float] = None, plane: ( str | tuple[tuple[float, float, float], tuple[float, float, float]] ) = "xy", origin: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), periodic: bool = True, device: str = None, ): self._array_object = array_object if _require_cell_transform(cell, box=box, plane=plane, origin=origin): axes = plane_to_axes(plane) cell = cell[:, list(axes)] box = tuple(best_orthogonal_cell(cell)) elif box is None: box = tuple(np.diag(cell)) self._grid = Grid( extent=box[:2], gpts=gpts, sampling=sampling, lock_extent=True ) self._device = validate_device(device) self._box = box self._plane = plane self._origin = origin self._periodic = periodic self._slice_thickness = _validate_slice_thickness( slice_thickness, thickness=box[2] ) self._exit_planes = _validate_exit_planes( exit_planes, len(self._slice_thickness) ) @property def slice_thickness(self) -> tuple[float, ...]: return self._slice_thickness @property def exit_planes(self) -> tuple[int]: return self._exit_planes @property def device(self) -> str: """The device where the potential is created.""" return self._device @property def periodic(self) -> bool: """Specifies whether the potential is periodic.""" return self._periodic @property def plane(self) -> str: """The plane relative to the atoms mapped to `xy` plane of the potential, i.e. the plane is perpendicular to the propagation direction.""" return self._plane @property def box(self) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """The extent of the potential in `x`, `y` and `z`.""" return self._box @property def origin(self) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """The origin relative to the provided atoms mapped to the origin of the potential.""" return self._origin def __getitem__(self, item) -> PotentialArray: return[item] @staticmethod def _wrap_build_potential(potential, first_slice, last_slice): potential = potential.item() array =, last_slice, lazy=False).array return array def build( self, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None, max_batch: int | str = 1, lazy: bool = None, ) -> FieldArray: """ Build the potential. Parameters ---------- first_slice : int, optional Index of the first slice of the generated potential. last_slice : int, optional Index of the last slice of the generated potential max_batch : int or str, optional Maximum number of slices to calculate in task. Default is 1. lazy : bool, optional If True, create the wave functions lazily, otherwise, calculate instantly. If None, this defaults to the value set in the configuration file. Returns ------- potential_array : PotentialArray The built potential as an array. """ lazy = _validate_lazy(lazy) self.grid.check_is_defined() if last_slice is None: last_slice = len(self) if lazy: blocks = self.ensemble_blocks(self._default_ensemble_chunks) xp = get_array_module(self.device) chunks = validate_chunks(self.ensemble_shape, self._default_ensemble_chunks) chunks = chunks + self.base_shape if self.ensemble_shape: new_axis = tuple( range( len(self.ensemble_shape), len(self.ensemble_shape) + len(self.base_shape), ) ) else: new_axis = tuple(range(1, len(self.base_shape))) array = blocks.map_blocks( self._wrap_build_potential, new_axis=new_axis, first_slice=first_slice, last_slice=last_slice, chunks=chunks, meta=xp.array((), dtype=get_dtype(complex=False)), ) else: xp = get_array_module(self.device) array = xp.zeros( self.ensemble_shape + (last_slice - first_slice,) + self.base_shape[1:], dtype=get_dtype(complex=False), ) if self.ensemble_shape: for i, _, potential in self.generate_blocks(1): potential = potential.item() i = np.unravel_index((0,), self.ensemble_shape) for j, slic in enumerate( potential.generate_slices(first_slice, last_slice) ): array[i + (j,)] = slic.array[0] else: for j, slic in enumerate(self.generate_slices(first_slice, last_slice)): array[j] = slic.array[0] potential = self._array_object( array, sampling=(self.sampling[0], self.sampling[1]), slice_thickness=self.slice_thickness[first_slice:last_slice], exit_planes=self.exit_planes, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, ) return potential class _FieldBuilderFromAtoms(_FieldBuilder): def __init__( self, atoms: Atoms | BaseFrozenPhonons, array_object: Type[FieldArray], gpts: int | tuple[int, int] = None, sampling: float | tuple[float, float] = None, slice_thickness: float | tuple[float, ...] = 1, exit_planes: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, plane: ( str | tuple[tuple[float, float, float], tuple[float, float, float]] ) = "xy", origin: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), box: tuple[float, float, float] = None, periodic: bool = True, integrator=None, device: str = None, ): self._frozen_phonons = _validate_frozen_phonons(atoms) self._integrator = integrator self._sliced_atoms = None self._array_object = array_object super().__init__( array_object=array_object, gpts=gpts, sampling=sampling, cell=self._frozen_phonons.cell, slice_thickness=slice_thickness, exit_planes=exit_planes, device=device, plane=plane, origin=origin, box=box, periodic=periodic, ) @property def frozen_phonons(self) -> BaseFrozenPhonons: """Ensemble of atomic configurations representing frozen phonons.""" return self._frozen_phonons @property def num_configurations(self) -> int: """Size of the ensemble of atomic configurations representing frozen phonons.""" return len(self.frozen_phonons) @property def integrator(self): """The integrator determining how the projection integrals for each slice is calculated.""" return self._integrator def _cutoffs(self): atoms = self.frozen_phonons.atoms unique_numbers = np.unique(atoms.numbers) return tuple( self._integrator.cutoff(chemical_symbols[number]) for number in unique_numbers ) def get_transformed_atoms(self): """ The atoms used in the multislice algorithm, transformed to the given plane, origin and box. Returns ------- transformed_atoms : Atoms Transformed atoms. """ atoms = self.frozen_phonons.atoms if is_cell_orthogonal(atoms.cell) and self.plane != "xy": atoms = rotate_atoms_to_plane(atoms, self.plane) elif tuple(np.diag(atoms.cell)) != if self.periodic: atoms = orthogonalize_cell( atoms,, plane=self.plane, origin=self.origin, return_transform=False, allow_transform=True, ) return atoms else: cutoffs = self._cutoffs() atoms = cut_cell( atoms,, plane=self.plane, origin=self.origin, margin=max(cutoffs) if cutoffs else 0.0, ) return atoms def _prepare_atoms(self): atoms = self.get_transformed_atoms() if self.integrator.finite: cutoffs = self._cutoffs() margins = max(cutoffs) if len(cutoffs) else 0.0 else: margins = 0.0 if self.periodic: atoms = self.frozen_phonons.randomize(atoms) atoms.wrap() if not self.integrator.periodic and self.integrator.finite: atoms = pad_atoms(atoms, margins=margins) elif self.integrator.periodic: atoms = pad_atoms(atoms, margins=margins, directions="z") if not self.periodic: atoms = self.frozen_phonons.randomize(atoms) if self.integrator.finite: sliced_atoms = SlicedAtoms( atoms=atoms, slice_thickness=self.slice_thickness, z_padding=margins ) else: sliced_atoms = SliceIndexedAtoms( atoms=atoms, slice_thickness=self.slice_thickness ) return sliced_atoms def get_sliced_atoms(self) -> BaseSlicedAtoms: """ The atoms grouped into the slices given by the slice thicknesses. Returns ------- sliced_atoms : BaseSlicedAtoms """ if self._sliced_atoms is not None: return self._sliced_atoms self._sliced_atoms = self._prepare_atoms() return self._sliced_atoms def generate_slices( self, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None, return_depth: float = False ): """ Generate the slices for the potential. Parameters ---------- first_slice : int, optional Index of the first slice of the generated potential. last_slice : int, optional Index of the last slice of the generated potential. return_depth : bool If True, return the depth of each generated slice. Yields ------ slices : generator of np.ndarray Generator for the array of slices. """ if last_slice is None: last_slice = len(self) xp = get_array_module(self.device) sliced_atoms = self.get_sliced_atoms() numbers = np.unique(sliced_atoms.atoms.numbers) exit_plane_after = self._exit_plane_after cumulative_thickness = np.cumsum(self.slice_thickness) for start, stop in generate_chunks( last_slice - first_slice, chunks=1, start=first_slice ): if len(numbers) > 1 or stop - start > 1: array = xp.zeros( (stop - start,) + self.base_shape[1:], dtype=get_dtype(complex=False), ) else: array = None for i, slice_idx in enumerate(range(start, stop)): atoms = sliced_atoms.get_atoms_in_slices(slice_idx) new_array = self._integrator.integrate_on_grid( atoms, a=sliced_atoms.slice_limits[slice_idx][0], b=sliced_atoms.slice_limits[slice_idx][1], gpts=self.gpts, sampling=self.sampling, device=self.device, ) if array is not None: array[i] += new_array else: array = new_array[None] if array is None: array = xp.zeros( (stop - start,) + self.base_shape[1:], dtype=get_dtype(complex=False), ) # array -= array.min() exit_planes = tuple(np.where(exit_plane_after[start:stop])[0]) potential_array = self._array_object( array, slice_thickness=self.slice_thickness[start:stop], exit_planes=exit_planes, extent=self.extent, ) if return_depth: depth = cumulative_thickness[stop - 1] yield depth, potential_array else: yield potential_array @property def ensemble_axes_metadata(self): return self.frozen_phonons.ensemble_axes_metadata @property def ensemble_shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: return self.frozen_phonons.ensemble_shape @classmethod def _from_partitioned_args_func(cls, *args, frozen_phonons_partial, **kwargs): args = unpack_blockwise_args(args) frozen_phonons = frozen_phonons_partial(*args) frozen_phonons = frozen_phonons.item() new_potential = cls(frozen_phonons, **kwargs) ndims = max(len(new_potential.ensemble_shape), 1) new_potential = _wrap_with_array(new_potential, ndims) return new_potential def _from_partitioned_args(self, *args, **kwargs): frozen_phonons_partial = self.frozen_phonons._from_partitioned_args() kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("atoms", "sampling")) return partial( self._from_partitioned_args_func, frozen_phonons_partial=frozen_phonons_partial, **kwargs, ) def _partition_args(self, chunks: Chunks = (1,), lazy: bool = True): return self.frozen_phonons._partition_args(chunks, lazy=lazy) class _PotentialBuilder(_FieldBuilder, BasePotential): pass def _validate_frozen_phonons(atoms): if isinstance(atoms, Atoms): atoms = atoms.copy() atoms.calc = None if not hasattr(atoms, "randomize"): if isinstance(atoms, (list, tuple)): frozen_phonons = AtomsEnsemble(atoms) elif isinstance(atoms, Atoms): frozen_phonons = DummyFrozenPhonons(atoms) else: raise ValueError() else: frozen_phonons = atoms return frozen_phonons
[docs] class Potential(_FieldBuilderFromAtoms, BasePotential): """ Calculate the electrostatic potential of a set of atoms or frozen phonon configurations. The potential is calculated with the Independent Atom Model (IAM) using a user-defined parametrization of the atomic potentials. Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms or abtem.FrozenPhonons Atoms or FrozenPhonons defining the atomic configuration(s) used in the independent atom model for calculating the electrostatic potential(s). gpts : one or two int, optional Number of grid points in `x` and `y` describing each slice of the potential. Provide either "sampling" (spacing between consecutive grid points) or "gpts" (total number of grid points). sampling : one or two float, optional Sampling of the potential in `x` and `y` [1 / Å]. Provide either "sampling" or "gpts". slice_thickness : float or sequence of float, optional Thickness of the potential slices in the propagation direction in [Å] (default is 0.5 Å). If given as a float, the number of slices is calculated by dividing the slice thickness into the `z`-height of supercell. The slice thickness may be given as a sequence of values for each slice, in which case an error will be thrown if the sum of slice thicknesses is not equal to the height of the atoms. parametrization : 'lobato' or 'kirkland', optional The potential parametrization describes the radial dependence of the potential for each element. Two of the most accurate parametrizations are available (by Lobato et al. and Kirkland; default is 'lobato'). See the citation guide for references. projection : 'finite' or 'infinite', optional If 'finite' the 3D potential is numerically integrated between the slice boundaries. If 'infinite' (default), the infinite potential projection of each atom will be assigned to a single slice. exit_planes : int or tuple of int, optional The `exit_planes` argument can be used to calculate thickness series. Providing `exit_planes` as a tuple of int indicates that the tuple contains the slice indices after which an exit plane is desired, and hence during a multislice simulation a measurement is created. If `exit_planes` is an integer a measurement will be collected every `exit_planes` number of slices. plane : str or two tuples of three float, optional The plane relative to the provided atoms mapped to `xy` plane of the potential, i.e. provided plane is perpendicular to the propagation direction. If string, it must be a concatenation of two of 'x', 'y' and 'z'; the default value 'xy' indicates that potential slices are cuts along the `xy`-plane of the atoms. The plane may also be specified with two arbitrary 3D vectors, which are mapped to the `x` and `y` directions of the potential, respectively. The length of the vectors has no influence. If the vectors are not perpendicular, the second vector is rotated in the plane to become perpendicular to the first. Providing a value of ((1., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0.)) is equivalent to providing 'xy'. origin : three float, optional The origin relative to the provided atoms mapped to the origin of the potential. This is equivalent to translating the atoms. The default is (0., 0., 0.). box : three float, optional The extent of the potential in `x`, `y` and `z`. If not given this is determined from the atoms' cell. If the box size does not match an integer number of the atoms' supercell, an affine transformation may be necessary to preserve periodicity, determined by the `periodic` keyword. periodic : bool, True If a transformation of the atomic structure is required, `periodic` determines how the atomic structure is transformed. If True, the periodicity of the Atoms is preserved, which may require applying a small affine transformation to the atoms. If False, the transformed potential is effectively cut out of a larger repeated potential, which may not preserve periodicity. integrator : ProjectionIntegrator, optional Provide a custom integrator for the projection integrals of the potential slicing. device : str, optional The device used for calculating the potential, 'cpu' or 'gpu'. The default is determined by the user configuration file. """ _exclude_from_copy = ("parametrization", "projection")
[docs] def __init__( self, atoms: Atoms | BaseFrozenPhonons = None, gpts: int | tuple[int, int] = None, sampling: float | tuple[float, float] = None, slice_thickness: float | tuple[float, ...] = 1, parametrization: str | Parametrization = "lobato", projection: str = "infinite", exit_planes: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, plane: ( str | tuple[tuple[float, float, float], tuple[float, float, float]] ) = "xy", origin: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), box: tuple[float, float, float] = None, periodic: bool = True, integrator: FieldIntegrator = None, device: str = None, ): if integrator is None: if projection == "finite": integrator = QuadratureProjectionIntegrals( parametrization=parametrization ) elif projection == "infinite": integrator = ScatteringFactorProjectionIntegrals( parametrization=parametrization ) else: raise NotImplementedError super().__init__( atoms=atoms, array_object=PotentialArray, gpts=gpts, sampling=sampling, slice_thickness=slice_thickness, exit_planes=exit_planes, device=device, plane=plane, origin=origin, box=box, periodic=periodic, integrator=integrator, )
[docs] class FieldArray(BaseField, ArrayObject):
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray | da.core.Array, slice_thickness: float | tuple[float, ...] = None, extent: float | tuple[float, float] = None, sampling: float | tuple[float, float] = None, exit_planes: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: dict = None, ): self._slice_thickness = _validate_slice_thickness( slice_thickness, num_slices=array.shape[-self._base_dims] ) self._exit_planes = _validate_exit_planes( exit_planes, len(self._slice_thickness) ) self._grid = Grid(extent=extent, gpts=array.shape[-2:], sampling=sampling) super().__init__( array=array, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
@property def num_configurations(self): indices = _find_axes_type(self, FrozenPhononsAxis) if indices: return reduce(mul, tuple(self.array.shape[i] for i in indices)) else: return 1 @property def slice_thickness(self) -> tuple[float, ...]: return self._slice_thickness @property def exit_planes(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: return self._exit_planes def build( self, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None, chunks: int = 1, lazy: bool = None, ): raise RuntimeError("potential is already built")
[docs] def generate_slices(self, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None): """ Generate the slices for the potential. Parameters ---------- first_slice : int, optional Index of the first slice of the generated potential. last_slice : int, optional Index of the last slice of the generated potential. Yields ------ slices : generator of np.ndarray Generator for the array of slices. """ if last_slice is None: last_slice = len(self) exit_plane_after = self._exit_plane_after cum_thickness = np.cumsum(self.slice_thickness) start = first_slice stop = first_slice + 1 for i in range(first_slice, last_slice): s = (0,) * (len(self.array.shape) - 3) + (i,) array = self.array[s][None] slic = self.__class__( array, self.slice_thickness[i : i + 1], extent=self.extent ) exit_planes = tuple(np.where(exit_plane_after[start:stop])[0]) slic._exit_planes = exit_planes start += 1 stop += 1 yield slic
def __getitem__(self, items): if isinstance(items, (Number, slice)): items = (items,) ensemble_items = items[: len(self.ensemble_shape)] slic_items = items[len(self.ensemble_shape) :] if len(ensemble_items): potential_array = super().__getitem__(ensemble_items) else: potential_array = self if len(slic_items) == 0: return potential_array padded_items = (slice(None),) * len(potential_array.ensemble_shape) + slic_items array = potential_array._array[padded_items] slice_thickness = np.array(potential_array.slice_thickness)[slic_items] if len(array.shape) < len(potential_array.shape): array = array[ (slice(None),) * len(potential_array.ensemble_shape) + (None,) ] slice_thickness = slice_thickness[None] kwargs = potential_array._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array", "slice_thickness")) kwargs["array"] = array kwargs["slice_thickness"] = slice_thickness kwargs["sampling"] = None return potential_array.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def tile(self, repetitions: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int, int, int]): """ Tile the potential. Parameters ---------- repetitions: two or three int The number of repetitions of the potential along each axis. NOTE: if three integers are given, the first represents the number of repetitions along the `z`-axis. Returns ------- PotentialArray object The tiled potential. """ if len(repetitions) == 2: repetitions = tuple(repetitions) + (1,) new_array = np.tile( self.array, (repetitions[2], repetitions[0], repetitions[1]) ) new_extent = (self.extent[0] * repetitions[0], self.extent[1] * repetitions[1]) new_slice_thickness = tuple(np.tile(self.slice_thickness, repetitions[2])) return self.__class__( array=new_array, slice_thickness=new_slice_thickness, extent=new_extent, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, )
[docs] def to_hyperspy(self): return self.to_images().to_hyperspy()
[docs] def to_images(self): """Convert slices of the potential to a stack of images.""" metadata = {"label": "potential", "units": "eV / e"} return Images( array=self._array, sampling=(self.sampling[0], self.sampling[1]), metadata=metadata, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.axes_metadata[:-2], )
[docs] def project(self) -> Images: """ Create a 2D array representing a projected image of the potential(s). Returns ------- images : Images One or more images of the projected potential(s). """ metadata = {"label": "potential", "units": "eV / e"} array = self.array.sum(-self._base_dims) # array -= array.min((-2, -1), keepdims=True) ensemble_axes_metadata = ( self.ensemble_axes_metadata + self.base_axes_metadata[1:-2] ) return Images( array=array, sampling=self.sampling, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
[docs] class PotentialArray(BasePotential, FieldArray): """ The potential array represents slices of the electrostatic potential as an array. All other potentials build potential arrays. Parameters ---------- array: 3D np.ndarray The array representing the potential slices. The first dimension is the slice index and the last two are the spatial dimensions. slice_thickness: float The thicknesses of potential slices [Å]. If a float, the thickness is the same for all slices. If a sequence, the length must equal the length of the potential array. extent: one or two float, optional Lateral extent of the potential [Å]. sampling: one or two float, optional Lateral sampling of the potential [1 / Å]. exit_planes : int or tuple of int, optional The `exit_planes` argument can be used to calculate thickness series. Providing `exit_planes` as a tuple of int indicates that the tuple contains the slice indices after which an exit plane is desired, and hence during a multislice simulation a measurement is created. If `exit_planes` is an integer a measurement will be collected every `exit_planes` number of slices. ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxesMetadata Axis metadata for each ensemble axis. The axis metadata must be compatible with the shape of the array. metadata : dict A dictionary defining wave function metadata. All items will be added to the metadata of measurements derived from the waves. """ _base_dims = 3
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray | da.core.Array, slice_thickness: float | tuple[float, ...] = None, extent: float | tuple[float, float] = None, sampling: float | tuple[float, float] = None, exit_planes: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: dict = None, ): super().__init__( array=array, slice_thickness=slice_thickness, extent=extent, sampling=sampling, exit_planes=exit_planes, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
[docs] def transmission_function(self, energy: float) -> TransmissionFunction: """ Calculate the transmission functions for each slice for a specific energy. Parameters ---------- energy: float Electron energy [eV]. Returns ------- transmissionfunction : TransmissionFunction Transmission functions for each slice. """ xp = get_array_module(self.array) def _transmission_function(array, energy): dtype = get_dtype(complex=False) sigma = dtype(energy2sigma(energy)) array = complex_exponential(sigma * array) return array if self.is_lazy: array = self._array.map_blocks( _transmission_function, energy=energy, meta=xp.array((), dtype=get_dtype(complex=True)), ) else: array = _transmission_function(self._array, energy=energy) t = TransmissionFunction( array, slice_thickness=self.slice_thickness, extent=self.extent, energy=energy, ) return t
[docs] def transmit(self, waves: Waves, conjugate: bool = False) -> Waves: """ Transmit a wave function through a potential slice. Parameters ---------- waves: Waves Waves object to transmit. conjugate : bool, optional If True, use the conjugate of the transmission function. Default is False. Returns ------- transmission_function : TransmissionFunction Transmission function for the wave function through the potential slice. """ transmission_function = self.transmission_function( return transmission_function.transmit(waves, conjugate=conjugate)
[docs] class TransmissionFunction(PotentialArray, HasAcceleratorMixin): """Class to describe transmission functions. Parameters ---------- array : 3D np.ndarray The array representing the potential slices. The first dimension is the slice index and the last two are the spatial dimensions. slice_thickness : float The thicknesses of potential slices [Å]. If a float, the thickness is the same for all slices. If a sequence, the length must equal the length of the potential array. extent : one or two float, optional Lateral extent of the potential [Å]. sampling : one or two float, optional Lateral sampling of the potential [1 / Å]. energy : float Electron energy [eV]. """
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray, slice_thickness: float | Sequence[float], extent: float | tuple[float, float] = None, sampling: float | tuple[float, float] = None, energy: float = None, ): self._accelerator = Accelerator(energy=energy) super().__init__(array, slice_thickness, extent, sampling)
def get_chunk(self, first_slice, last_slice) -> TransmissionFunction: array = self.array[first_slice:last_slice] if len(array.shape) == 2: array = array[None] return self.__class__( array, self.slice_thickness[first_slice:last_slice], extent=self.extent,, )
[docs] def transmission_function(self, energy) -> TransmissionFunction: """ Calculate the transmission functions for each slice for a specific energy. Parameters ---------- energy: float Electron energy [eV]. Returns ------- transmissionfunction : TransmissionFunction Transmission functions for each slice. """ if energy != raise RuntimeError() return self
[docs] def transmit(self, waves: Waves, conjugate: bool = False) -> Waves: """ Transmit a wave function through a potential slice. Parameters ---------- waves: Waves Waves object to transmit. conjugate : bool, optional If True, use the conjugate of the transmission function. Default is False. Returns ------- transmission_function : Waves Transmission function for the wave function through the potential slice. """ self.accelerator.check_match(waves) self.grid.check_match(waves) xp = get_array_module(self.array[0]) if conjugate: waves._array *= xp.conjugate(self.array[0]) else: waves._array *= self.array[0] return waves
[docs] class CrystalPotential(_PotentialBuilder): """ The crystal potential may be used to represent a potential consisting of a repeating unit. This may allow calculations to be performed with lower computational cost by calculating the potential unit once and repeating it. If the repeating unit is a potential with frozen phonons it is treated as an ensemble from which each repeating unit along the `z`-direction is randomly drawn. If `num_frozen_phonons` an ensemble of crystal potentials are created each with a random seed for choosing potential units. Parameters ---------- potential_unit : BasePotential The potential unit to assemble the crystal potential from. repetitions : three int The repetitions of the potential in `x`, `y` and `z`. num_frozen_phonons : int, optional Number of frozen phonon configurations assembled from the potential units. exit_planes : int or tuple of int, optional The `exit_planes` argument can be used to calculate thickness series. Providing `exit_planes` as a tuple of int indicates that the tuple contains the slice indices after which an exit plane is desired, and hence during a multislice simulation a measurement is created. If `exit_planes` is an integer a measurement will be collected every `exit_planes` number of slices. seeds: int or sequence of int Seed for the random number generator (RNG), or one seed for each RNG in the frozen phonon ensemble. """
[docs] def __init__( self, potential_unit: BasePotential, repetitions: tuple[int, int, int], num_frozen_phonons: int = None, exit_planes: int = None, seeds: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, ): if num_frozen_phonons is None and seeds is None: self._seeds = None else: if num_frozen_phonons is None and seeds: num_frozen_phonons = len(seeds) elif num_frozen_phonons is None and seeds is None: num_frozen_phonons = 1 self._seeds = _validate_seeds(seeds, num_frozen_phonons) if ( (potential_unit.num_configurations == 1) and (num_frozen_phonons is not None) and (num_frozen_phonons > 1) ): warnings.warn( "'num_frozen_phonons' is greater than one, but the potential unit does not have frozen phonons" ) # if (potential_unit.num_frozen_phonons > 1) and (num_frozen_phonons is not None): # warnings.warn( # "the potential unit has frozen phonons, but 'num_frozen_phonons' is not set" # ) gpts = ( potential_unit.gpts[0] * repetitions[0], potential_unit.gpts[1] * repetitions[1], ) extent = ( potential_unit.extent[0] * repetitions[0], potential_unit.extent[1] * repetitions[1], ) box = extent + (potential_unit.thickness * repetitions[2],) slice_thickness = potential_unit.slice_thickness * repetitions[2] super().__init__( array_object=PotentialArray, gpts=gpts, cell=Cell(np.diag(box)), slice_thickness=slice_thickness, exit_planes=exit_planes, device=potential_unit.device, plane="xy", origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), box=box, periodic=True, ) self._potential_unit = potential_unit self._repetitions = repetitions
@property def ensemble_shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: if self._seeds is None: return () else: return (self.num_configurations,) @property def num_configurations(self): if self._seeds is None: return 1 else: return len(self._seeds) @property def seeds(self): return self._seeds @property def potential_unit(self) -> BasePotential: return self._potential_unit @HasGridMixin.gpts.setter def gpts(self, gpts): if not ( (gpts[0] % self.repetitions[0] == 0) and (gpts[1] % self.repetitions[0] == 0) ): raise ValueError( "Number of grid points must be divisible by the number of potential repetitions." ) self.grid.gpts = gpts self._potential_unit.gpts = ( gpts[0] // self._repetitions[0], gpts[1] // self._repetitions[1], ) @HasGridMixin.sampling.setter def sampling(self, sampling): self.sampling = sampling self._potential_unit.sampling = sampling @property def repetitions(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: return self._repetitions @property def num_slices(self) -> int: return self._potential_unit.num_slices * self.repetitions[2] @property def ensemble_axes_metadata(self) -> list[AxisMetadata]: if self.seeds is None: return [] else: return [FrozenPhononsAxis(_ensemble_mean=True)] @classmethod def _from_partitioned_args_func(cls, *args, **kwargs): args = unpack_blockwise_args(args) potential, seed = args[0] if hasattr(potential, "item"): potential = potential.item() if seed is not None: num_frozen_phonons = len(seed) else: num_frozen_phonons = None new = cls( potential_unit=potential, seeds=seed, num_frozen_phonons=num_frozen_phonons, **kwargs, ) return _wrap_with_array(new) def _from_partitioned_args(self): kwargs = self._copy_kwargs( exclude=("potential_unit", "seeds", "num_frozen_phonons") ) output = partial(self._from_partitioned_args_func, **kwargs) return output def _partition_args(self, chunks: int = 1, lazy: bool = True): chunks = validate_chunks(self.ensemble_shape, chunks) if chunks == (): chunks = ((1,),) if lazy: arrays = [] for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(chunk_ranges(chunks)[0]): if self.seeds is not None: seeds = self.seeds[start:stop] else: seeds = None lazy_atoms = dask.delayed(self.potential_unit) lazy_args = dask.delayed(_wrap_with_array)((lazy_atoms, seeds), ndims=1) lazy_array = da.from_delayed(lazy_args, shape=(1,), dtype=object) arrays.append(lazy_array) array = da.concatenate(arrays) else: potential_unit = self.potential_unit # if self.potential_unit.array: # atoms = atoms.compute() array = np.zeros((len(chunks[0]),), dtype=object) for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(chunk_ranges(chunks)[0]): if self.seeds is not None: seeds = self.seeds[start:stop] else: seeds = None array.itemset(i, (potential_unit, self.seeds)) return (array,) # chunks = validate_chunks(self.ensemble_shape, chunks) # # if not len(self.ensemble_shape): # chunks = ((1,),) # # if lazy: # arrays = [] # for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(chunk_ranges(chunks)[0]): # if self.seeds is not None: # seeds = self.seeds[start:stop] # else: # seeds = self.seeds # lazy_potential = self.potential_unit.ensemble_blocks(-1) # lazy_args = dask.delayed(_wrap_with_array)((lazy_potential, seeds), ndims=1) # lazy_array = da.from_delayed(lazy_args, shape=(1,), dtype=object) # arrays.append(lazy_array) # # array = da.concatenate(arrays) # else: # # array = np.zeros((chunks[0],), dtype=object) # for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(chunk_ranges(chunks)[0]): # if self.seeds is not None: # seeds = self.seeds[start:stop] # else: # seeds = self.seeds # # array.itemset(i, (self.potential_unit, seeds)) # return (array,)
[docs] def generate_slices( self, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None, return_depth: bool = False ): """ Generate the slices for the potential. Parameters ---------- first_slice : int, optional Index of the first slice of the generated potential. last_slice : int, optional Index of the last slice of the generated potential. return_depth : bool If True, return the depth of each generated slice. Yields ------ slices : generator of np.ndarray Generator for the array of slices. """ if hasattr(self.potential_unit, "array"): potentials = self.potential_unit else: potentials = if len(potentials.shape) == 3: potentials = potentials.expand_dims(axis=0) if self.seeds is None: rng = np.random.default_rng(self.seeds) else: rng = np.random.default_rng(self.seeds[0]) exit_plane_after = self._exit_plane_after cum_thickness = np.cumsum(self.slice_thickness) start = first_slice stop = first_slice + 1 for i in range(self.repetitions[2]): generator = potentials[ rng.integers(0, potentials.shape[0]) ].generate_slices() for i in range(len(self.potential_unit)): slic = next(generator).tile(self.repetitions[:2]) exit_planes = tuple(np.where(exit_plane_after[start:stop])[0]) slic._exit_planes = exit_planes start += 1 stop += 1 if return_depth: yield cum_thickness[stop - 1], slic else: yield slic if i == last_slice: break