Show code cell source
%config InlineBackend.rc = {"figure.dpi": 72, "figure.figsize": (6.0, 4.0)}
%matplotlib inline
import ase
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import read
import abtem
SAED quickstart#
This notebook demonstrates a basic simulation of selected area electron diffraction of SiO2 zeolite.
We start by (optionally) setting our configuration. See documentation for details.
abtem.config.set({"device": "cpu", "fft": "fftw"})
<abtem.core.config.set at 0x1ccfe5cfd90>
Atomic model#
We import a unit cell from a .cif-file. See our walkthough or our tutorial on atomic models.
sio2 = read("data/SiO2.cif")
abtem.show_atoms(sio2, plane="xy", legend=True);
The structure is rotated such that the previous \(xy\)-plane is rotated into the \(xz\)-plane. The structure is repeated along \(z\) to obtain the required thickness. If frozen phonons are required the structure should also be repeated in the \(xy\) to describe a thermal ensemble.
sio2_rotated = abtem.atoms.rotate_atoms_to_plane(sio2, "xz")
sio2_repeated = sio2_rotated * (3, 2, 20)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
abtem.show_atoms(sio2_repeated, ax=ax1, plane="xy", title="Beam view")
abtem.show_atoms(sio2_repeated, ax=ax2, plane="yz", title="Side view", linewidth=0);
We create an ensemble of potentials using the frozen phonon model. See our walkthrough on frozen phonons.
frozen_phonons = abtem.FrozenPhonons(sio2_repeated, 8, sigmas=0.1)
We create a potential from the frozen phonons model, see walkthrough on potentials.
potential = abtem.Potential(
Wave function#
We create a plane wave function at an energy of \(200 \ \mathrm{keV}\). See our walkthrough on wave functions.
wave = abtem.PlaneWave(energy=200e3)
We run the multislice algorithm to calculate the exit waves, see our walkthrough on multislice.
exit_waves = wave.multislice(potential)
We calculate the diffraction patterns up to a scattering angle of \(10 \ \mathrm{mrad}\).
measurement_ensemble = exit_waves.diffraction_patterns(max_angle=10)
(8, 5, 35, 35)
The result is an ensemble of images, one for each frozen phonon and exit plane, we average the ensemble across the phonon dimensions obtain the final thickness series.
measurement = measurement_ensemble.mean(0)
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 15.56 s
<abtem.measurements.DiffractionPatterns object at 0x000001CC8C277370>
Visualize results#
We show the thickness series as an exploded plot. Before plotting the direct beam is blocked as it typically has a much higher intensity than the scattered beams.
visualization = measurement.block_direct().show(
figsize=(18, 5),
Index diffraction patterns#
Instead of the pixelated representation above, the diffraction patterns can be represented as a collection indexed diffraction intensities.
# the conventional unit cell is given here
indexed_spots = measurement.index_diffraction_spots(cell=sio2.cell)
We show the last diffraction spots in the thickness series with an overlay showing the miller indices.
indexed_spots[-1].block_direct().show(scale=0.5, figsize=(5, 5));
The diffraction spots can be converted to a pandas dataframe.
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 8)
df = indexed_spots.to_dataframe()
-5 -6 0 | -5 -5 0 | -5 -4 0 | -5 -3 0 | ... | 5 3 0 | 5 4 0 | 5 5 0 | 5 6 0 | |
0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
99.972725 | 0.000532 | 0.001930 | 0.000604 | 0.001943 | ... | 0.001902 | 0.000548 | 0.001845 | 0.000489 |
199.945451 | 0.001056 | 0.012364 | 0.002705 | 0.001561 | ... | 0.001537 | 0.002574 | 0.012001 | 0.000941 |
299.918176 | 0.001704 | 0.016678 | 0.003978 | 0.000847 | ... | 0.000844 | 0.003900 | 0.016278 | 0.001630 |
399.890901 | 0.001201 | 0.010127 | 0.002770 | 0.000779 | ... | 0.000736 | 0.002690 | 0.009888 | 0.001215 |
5 rows × 120 columns
visualization = indexed_spots[-1].block_direct().show(scale=0.5)
"../thumbnails/saed_quickstart.png", bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0