"""Module to handle ab initio electrostatic potentials from the DFT code GPAW."""
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from numbers import Number
from typing import Any
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Tuple, Union, List
import dask
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase import units
from ase.data import chemical_symbols, atomic_numbers
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from abtem.core.axes import AxisMetadata
from abtem.core.constants import eps0
from abtem.core.electron_configurations import (
from abtem.core.ensemble import _wrap_with_array
from abtem.core.fft import fft_crop
from abtem.parametrizations import EwaldParametrization, LobatoParametrization
from abtem.inelastic.phonons import (
from abtem.potentials.charge_density import _generate_slices
from abtem.potentials.charge_density import _interpolate_slice
from abtem.potentials.iam import _PotentialBuilder, Potential, PotentialArray
from gpaw import GPAW
from gpaw.lfc import LFC, BasisFunctions
from gpaw.transformers import Transformer
from gpaw.utilities import unpack2
from gpaw.atom.aeatom import AllElectronAtom
from gpaw.io import Reader
from gpaw.density import RealSpaceDensity
from gpaw.mpi import SerialCommunicator
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor
from gpaw.utilities import unpack_atomic_matrices
from gpaw.atom.shapefunc import shape_functions
from gpaw.setup import Setups
GPAW = None
LFC = None
BasisFunctions = None
Transformer = None
unpack2 = None
Setups = None
AllElectronAtom = None
Reader = None
SerialCommunicator = None
GridDescriptor = None
unpack_atomic_matrices = None
def _get_gpaw_setups(atoms, mode, xc):
gpaw = GPAW(txt=None, mode=mode, xc=xc)
return gpaw.setups
class _DummyGPAW:
setup_mode: str
setup_xc: str
nt_sG: np.ndarray
gd: Any
D_asp: np.ndarray
atoms: Atoms
Q_aL: dict
valence_potential: np.ndarray
def __len__(self):
return 1
def setups(self):
gpaw = GPAW(txt=None, mode=self.setup_mode, xc=self.setup_xc)
return gpaw.setups
def from_gpaw(cls, gpaw, lazy: bool = True):
# if lazy:
# return dask.delayed(cls.from_gpaw)(gpaw, lazy=False)
atoms = gpaw.atoms.copy()
atoms.calc = None
kwargs = {
"setup_mode": gpaw.parameters["mode"],
"setup_xc": gpaw.parameters["xc"],
"nt_sG": gpaw.density.nt_sG.copy(),
"gd": gpaw.density.gd.new_descriptor(comm=SerialCommunicator()),
"D_asp": dict(gpaw.density.D_asp),
"atoms": atoms,
"valence_potential": gpaw.get_electrostatic_potential(),
"Q_aL": dict(gpaw.density.Q_aL),
return cls(**kwargs)
def from_file(cls, path: str, lazy: bool = True):
if lazy:
return dask.delayed(cls.from_file)(path, lazy=False)
calc = GPAW(path)
return cls.from_gpaw(calc)
# with Reader(path) as reader:
# atoms = read_atoms(reader.atoms)
# from gpaw.calculator import GPAW
# parameters = copy.copy(GPAW.default_parameters)
# parameters.update(reader.parameters.asdict())
# setup_mode = parameters["mode"]
# setup_xc = parameters["xc"]
# if isinstance(setup_xc, dict) and "setup_name" in setup_xc:
# setup_xc = setup_xc["setup_name"]
# assert isinstance(setup_xc, str)
# density = reader.density.density * units.Bohr**3
# gd = GridDescriptor(
# N_c=density.shape[-3:],
# cell_cv=atoms.get_cell() / Bohr,
# comm=SerialCommunicator(),
# )
# setups = _get_gpaw_setups(atoms, setup_mode, setup_xc)
# D_asp = unpack_atomic_matrices(
# reader.density.atomic_density_matrices, setups
# )
# hamiltonian = reader.hamiltonian
# kwargs = {
# "setup_mode": setup_mode,
# "setup_xc": setup_xc,
# "nt_sG": density,
# "gd": gd,
# "D_asp": D_asp,
# "atoms": atoms,
# }
# return cls(**kwargs)
def from_generic(cls, calculator, lazy: bool = True):
if isinstance(calculator, str):
return cls.from_file(calculator, lazy=lazy)
elif hasattr(calculator, "density"):
return cls.from_gpaw(calculator, lazy=lazy)
elif isinstance(calculator, cls):
return calculator
raise RuntimeError()
def get_core_correction_interpolators(setups, D_asp, Q_aL, rcgauss):
interpolators = []
for a, D_sp in D_asp.items():
setup = setups[a]
c = setup.xc_correction
rgd = c.rgd
params = setup.data.shape_function.copy()
params["lmax"] = 0
ghat_g = shape_functions(rgd, **params)[0]
Z_g = shape_functions(rgd, "gauss", rcgauss, lmax=0)[0] * setup.Z
D_q = np.dot(D_sp.sum(0), c.B_pqL[:, :, 0])
dn_g = np.dot(D_q, (c.n_qg - c.nt_qg)) * np.sqrt(4 * np.pi)
dn_g += 4 * np.pi * (c.nc_g - c.nct_g)
dn_g -= Z_g
dn_g -= Q_aL[a][0] * ghat_g * np.sqrt(4 * np.pi)
dv_g = rgd.poisson(dn_g) / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi)
dv_g[1:] /= rgd.r_g[1:]
dv_g[0] = dv_g[1]
dv_g[-1] = 0.0
interpolator = interp1d(
units.Bohr * rgd.r_g,
-dv_g / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) * units.Ha,
return interpolators
def integrate_slice(array, gpts, a, b, thickness):
dz = thickness / array.shape[2]
na = int(np.floor(a / dz))
nb = int(np.floor(b / dz))
slice_array = np.sum(array[..., na:nb], axis=-1) * dz
new_shape = (nb - na,) + gpts
old_shape = (nb - na,) + slice_array.shape
slice_array = np.fft.fftn(slice_array)
slice_array = fft_crop(slice_array, gpts)
slice_array = (
np.fft.ifftn(slice_array).real * np.prod(new_shape) / np.prod(old_shape)
return slice_array
class _DummyParametrization:
def __init__(self, potential):
self._potential = potential
def potential(self, symbol):
return self._potential
def sigmas(self):
return {}
def _generate_slices(
potential_generators = []
for i, interpolator in enumerate(interpolators):
parametrization = _DummyParametrization(interpolator)
potential = Potential(
atoms=atoms[i : i + 1],
transformed_atoms = potential.get_transformed_atoms()
if np.allclose(transformed_atoms.cell, atoms.cell):
transform_valence_potential = False
transform_valence_potential = True
if last_slice is None:
last_slice = len(potential)
for i, slice_idx in enumerate(range(first_slice, last_slice)):
slic = next(potential_generators[0])
a, b = potential.get_sliced_atoms().slice_limits[slice_idx]
for potential_generator in potential_generators[1:]:
slic.array[:] += next(potential_generator).array
if transform_valence_potential:
slic.array[:] -= _interpolate_slice(
valence_potential, atoms.cell, potential.gpts, potential.sampling, a, b
slic.array[:] -= integrate_slice(
valence_potential, potential.gpts, a, b, potential.thickness
yield slic
class GPAWPotential(_PotentialBuilder):
Calculate the electrostatic potential from a (set of) converged GPAW DFT calculation(s). Frozen phonons can be
included either by specifying multiple GPAW calculators corresponding to the different phonon configurations, or
approximately for a single calculator by using the `frozen_phonons` keyword.
calculators : (list of) gpaw.calculator.GPAW or (list of) str
GPAW calculator or path to GPAW calculator or list of calculators or paths. Atoms are read from the calculator.
gpts : one or two int, optional
Number of grid points in `x` and `y` describing each slice of the potential. Provide either "sampling" (spacing
between consecutive grid points) or "gpts" (total number of grid points).
sampling : one or two float, optional
Sampling of the potential in `x` and `y` [1 / Å]. Provide either "sampling" or "gpts".
slice_thickness : float or sequence of float, optional
Thickness of the potential slices in the propagation direction in [Å] (default is 0.5 Å).
If given as a float the number of slices is calculated by dividing the slice thickness into the `z`-height
of supercell. The slice thickness may be given as a sequence of values for each slice, in which case an
error will be thrown if the sum of slice thicknesses is not equal to the height of the atoms.
exit_planes : int or tuple of int, optional
The `exit_planes` argument can be used to calculate thickness series.
Providing `exit_planes` as a tuple of int indicates that the tuple contains the slice indices after which an
exit plane is desired, and hence during a multislice simulation a measurement is created. If `exit_planes` is
an integer a measurement will be collected every `exit_planes` number of slices.
plane : str or two tuples of three float, optional
The plane relative to the provided atoms mapped to `xy` plane of the potential, i.e. provided plane is
perpendicular to the propagation direction. If string, it must be a concatenation of two of 'x', 'y' and 'z';
the default value 'xy' indicates that potential slices are cuts along the `xy`-plane of the atoms.
The plane may also be specified with two arbitrary 3D vectors, which are mapped to the `x` and `y` directions of
the potential, respectively. The length of the vectors has no influence. If the vectors are not perpendicular,
the second vector is rotated in the plane to become perpendicular to the first. Providing a value of
((1., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0.)) is equivalent to providing 'xy'.
origin : three float, optional
The origin relative to the provided Atoms mapped to the origin of the Potential. This is equivalent to translating
the atoms. The default is (0., 0., 0.)
box : three float, optional
The extent of the potential in `x`, `y` and `z`. If not given this is determined from the atoms' cell.
If the box size does not match an integer number of the atoms' supercell, an affine transformation may be
necessary to preserve periodicity, determined by the `periodic` keyword
periodic : bool
If a transformation of the atomic structure is required, `periodic` determines how the atomic structure is
transformed. If True (default), the periodicity of the Atoms is preserved, which may require applying a small affine
transformation to the atoms. If False, the transformed potential is effectively cut out of a larger repeated
potential, which may not preserve periodicity.
frozen_phonons : abtem.AbstractFrozenPhonons, optional
Approximates frozen phonons for a single GPAW calculator by displacing only the nuclear core potentials.
Supercedes the atoms from the calculator.
repetitions : tuple of int
Repeats the atoms by integer amounts in the `x`, `y` and `z` directions before applying frozen phonon displacements
to calculate the potential contribution of the nuclear cores. Necessary when using frozen phonons.
gridrefinement : int
Necessary interpolation of the charge density into a finer grid for improved numerical precision.
Allowed values are '2' and '4'.
device : str, optional
The device used for calculating the potential, 'cpu' or 'gpu'. The default is determined by the user
configuration file.
def __init__(
calculators: Union["GPAW", List["GPAW"], List[str], str],
gpts: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = None,
sampling: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = None,
slice_thickness: float = 1.0,
exit_planes: int = None,
plane: str = "xy",
origin: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
box: Tuple[float, float, float] = None,
periodic: bool = True,
frozen_phonons: BaseFrozenPhonons = None,
repetitions: Tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 1, 1),
gridrefinement: int = 4,
device: str = None,
if GPAW is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"This functionality of abTEM requires GPAW, see https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw/."
if isinstance(calculators, (tuple, list)):
atoms = _safe_read_atoms(calculators[0])
num_configs = len(calculators)
if frozen_phonons is not None:
raise ValueError()
calculators = [
_DummyGPAW.from_generic(calculator) for calculator in calculators
frozen_phonons = DummyFrozenPhonons(atoms, num_configs=num_configs)
atoms = _safe_read_atoms(calculators)
calculators = _DummyGPAW.from_generic(calculators)
if frozen_phonons is None:
frozen_phonons = DummyFrozenPhonons(atoms, num_configs=None)
self._calculators = calculators
self._frozen_phonons = frozen_phonons
self._gridrefinement = gridrefinement
self._repetitions = repetitions
cell = frozen_phonons.atoms.cell * repetitions
frozen_phonons.atoms.calc = None
def frozen_phonons(self):
return self._frozen_phonons
def num_configurations(self):
return self.frozen_phonons.num_configs
def repetitions(self):
return self._repetitions
def gridrefinement(self):
return self._gridrefinement
def calculators(self):
return self._calculators
def _get_all_electron_density(self):
calculator = (
if isinstance(self.calculators, list)
else self.calculators
calculator = calculator.compute()
except AttributeError:
# assert len(self.calculators) == 1
calculator = _DummyGPAW.from_generic(calculator)
atoms = self.frozen_phonons.atoms
if self.repetitions != (1, 1, 1):
cell_cv = calculator.gd.cell_cv * self.repetitions
N_c = tuple(
n_c * rep for n_c, rep in zip(calculator.gd.N_c, self.repetitions)
gd = calculator.gd.new_descriptor(N_c=N_c, cell_cv=cell_cv)
atoms = atoms * self.repetitions
nt_sG = np.tile(calculator.nt_sG, self.repetitions)
gd = calculator.gd
nt_sG = calculator.nt_sG
random_atoms = self.frozen_phonons.randomize(atoms)
calc = GPAW(txt=None, mode=calculator.setup_mode, xc=calculator.setup_xc)
return self._get_all_electron_density(
def _get_ewald_potential(self):
ewald_parametrization = EwaldParametrization(width=3)
atoms = self.frozen_phonons.atoms * self.repetitions
atoms = self.frozen_phonons.randomize(atoms)
ewald_potential = Potential(
return ewald_potential
def generate_slices(self, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None):
Generate the slices for the potential.
first_slice : int, optional
Index of the first slice of the generated potential.
last_slice : int, optional
Index of the last slice of the generated potential.
slices : generator of np.ndarray
Generator for the array of slices.
if last_slice is None:
last_slice = len(self)
calculator = (
if isinstance(self.calculators, list)
else self.calculators
calculator = calculator.compute()
except AttributeError:
# assert len(self.calculators) == 1
calculator = _DummyGPAW.from_generic(calculator)
atoms = self.frozen_phonons.atoms
if self.repetitions != (1, 1, 1):
cell_cv = calculator.gd.cell_cv * self.repetitions
N_c = tuple(
n_c * rep for n_c, rep in zip(calculator.gd.N_c, self.repetitions)
gd = calculator.gd.new_descriptor(N_c=N_c, cell_cv=cell_cv)
atoms = atoms * self.repetitions
nt_sG = np.tile(calculator.nt_sG, self.repetitions)
gd = calculator.gd
nt_sG = calculator.nt_sG
random_atoms = self.frozen_phonons.randomize(atoms)
interpolators = get_core_correction_interpolators(
calculator.setups, calculator.D_asp, calculator.Q_aL, 0.001
# calc = GPAW(txt=None, mode=calculator.setup_mode, xc=calculator.setup_xc)
# calc.initialize(random_atoms)
# ewald_potential = self._get_ewald_potential()
# array = self._get_all_electron_density()
for slic in _generate_slices(
yield slic
# for slic in _generate_slices(
# array, ewald_potential, first_slice=first_slice, last_slice=last_slice
# ):
# yield slic
def ensemble_axes_metadata(self) -> List[AxisMetadata]:
return self._frozen_phonons.ensemble_axes_metadata
def num_frozen_phonons(self):
return len(self.calculators)
def ensemble_shape(self):
return self._frozen_phonons.ensemble_shape
def _gpaw_potential(*args, frozen_phonons_partial, **kwargs):
args = args[0]
if hasattr(args, "item"):
args = args.item()
if args["frozen_phonons"] is not None:
frozen_phonons = frozen_phonons_partial(args["frozen_phonons"])
frozen_phonons = None
calculators = args["calculators"]
new_potential = GPAWPotential(
calculators, frozen_phonons=frozen_phonons, **kwargs
return _wrap_with_array(new_potential)
def _from_partitioned_args(self):
kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("calculators", "frozen_phonons"))
frozen_phonons_partial = self.frozen_phonons._from_partitioned_args()
return partial(
def _partition_args(self, chunks: int = 1, lazy: bool = True):
chunks = self._validate_ensemble_chunks(chunks)
def frozen_phonons(calculators, frozen_phonons):
arr = np.zeros((1,), dtype=object)
0, {"calculators": calculators, "frozen_phonons": frozen_phonons}
return arr
calculators = self.calculators
if isinstance(self.frozen_phonons, FrozenPhonons):
array = np.zeros(len(self.frozen_phonons), dtype=object)
for i, fp in enumerate(
self.frozen_phonons._partition_args(chunks, lazy=lazy)[0]
if lazy:
block = dask.delayed(frozen_phonons)(calculators, fp)
array.itemset(i, da.from_delayed(block, shape=(1,), dtype=object))
array.itemset(i, frozen_phonons(calculators, fp))
if lazy:
array = da.concatenate(list(array))
return (array,)
if len(self.ensemble_shape) == 0:
array = np.zeros((1,), dtype=object)
calculators = [calculators]
array = np.zeros(self.ensemble_shape[0], dtype=object)
for i, calculator in enumerate(calculators):
if len(self.ensemble_shape) > 0:
calculator = [calculator]
if lazy:
calculator = dask.delayed(calculator)
block = da.from_delayed(
dask.delayed(frozen_phonons)(calculator, None),
block = frozen_phonons(calculator, None)
array.itemset(i, block)
if lazy:
return (da.concatenate(list(array)),)
return (array,)
class GPAWParametrization:
Calculate an Independent Atomic Model (IAM) potential based on a GPAW DFT calculation.
def __init__(self, nodes=None, integration_step=0.002):
self._nodes = nodes
self._integration_step = integration_step
self._potential_functions = {}
def _get_added_electrons(self, symbol, charge):
if not charge:
return []
charge = int(np.sign(charge) * np.ceil(np.abs(charge)))
number = atomic_numbers[symbol]
config = config_str_to_config_tuples(
ionic_config = config_str_to_config_tuples(
electron_configurations[chemical_symbols[number - charge]]
config = defaultdict(lambda: 0, {shell[:2]: shell[2] for shell in config})
ionic_config = defaultdict(
lambda: 0, {shell[:2]: shell[2] for shell in ionic_config}
electrons = []
for key in set(config.keys()).union(set(ionic_config.keys())):
difference = config[key] - ionic_config[key]
for i in range(np.abs(difference)):
electrons.append(key + (-np.sign(difference),))
return electrons
def _get_all_electron_atom(self, symbol, charge=0.0):
if isinstance(symbol, Number):
symbol = chemical_symbols[symbol]
with open(os.devnull, "w") as f, contextlib.redirect_stdout(f):
ae = AllElectronAtom(symbol, spinpol=True, xc="PBE")
# added_electrons = self._get_added_electrons(symbol, charge)
# for added_electron in added_electrons:
# ae.add(*added_electron[:2], added_electron[-1])
# # ae.run()
# ae.run(mix=0.005, maxiter=5000, dnmax=1e-5)
#maxiter=5000, mix=0.005, dnmax=1e-5)
return ae
def charge(self, symbol: str, charge: float = 0.0):
Calculate the radial charge density for an atom.
symbol : str
Chemical symbol of the atomic element.
charge : float, optional
Charge the atom by the given fractional number of electrons.
charge : callable
Function of the radial charge density with parameter 'r' corresponding to the radial distance from the core.
ae = self._get_all_electron_atom(symbol, charge)
r = ae.rgd.r_g * units.Bohr
n = ae.n_sg.sum(0) / units.Bohr**3
return interp1d(r, n, fill_value="extrapolate", bounds_error=False)
def x_ray_scattering_factor(self, symbol: str, charge: float = 0.0):
if isinstance(symbol, (int, np.int32, np.int64)):
symbol = chemical_symbols[symbol]
from hankel import SymmetricFourierTransform
ht = SymmetricFourierTransform(ndim=3, h=self._integration_step, N=self._nodes)
k = np.linspace(0.001, 12, 2000)
n = self.charge(symbol, charge)
# we do not calculate the Fourier Transform at k=0 for numerical reason
fx = ht.transform(n, k[1:] * 2 * np.pi)[0]
# instead it is replaced by the exact value fx(0)=Z
fx = np.concatenate([[atomic_numbers[symbol]], fx])
fx = interp1d(k, fx, fill_value=(atomic_numbers[symbol], 0.), bounds_error=False)
return fx
def _to_lobato(self, symbol, charge):
fx = self.x_ray_scattering_factor(symbol, charge)
n = self.charge(symbol, charge)
r = np.linspace(0, 20, 10000)
Z = np.trapz(4 * np.pi * r ** 2 * n(r), dx=np.diff(r))
fe0 = np.trapz(4 * np.pi * r ** 4 * n(r), dx=np.diff(r)) / units.Bohr / 3
k = np.linspace(0.0, 12, 100)
fe = np.zeros(len(k))
fe[k != 0] = (Z - fx(k[k > 0])) / k[k > 0] ** 2 / (2 * np.pi ** 2 * units.Bohr)
fe[k == 0] = fe0
if isinstance(symbol, str):
symbol = atomic_numbers[symbol]
parametrization_aeatom = LobatoParametrization({})
parametrization_aeatom.fit(symbol, k, fe)
return parametrization_aeatom
def potential(self, symbol: str, charge: float = 0.0):
return self._to_lobato(symbol, charge).potential(symbol, charge)
def scattering_factor(self, symbol, charge: float = 0.0):
return self._to_lobato(symbol, charge).scattering_factor(symbol, charge)
# def potential(self, symbol: str, charge: float = 0.0):
# return interp1d(k, fe, fill_value=(fe0, 0.), bounds_error=False)
# def potential(self, symbol: str, charge: float = 0.0):
# """
# Calculate the radial electrostatic potential for an atom.
# Parameters
# ----------
# symbol : str
# Chemical symbol of the atomic element.
# charge : float, optional
# Charge the atom by the given fractional number of electrons.
# Returns
# -------
# potential : callable
# Function of the radial electrostatic potential with parameter 'r' corresponding to the radial distance from the core.
# """
# ae = self._get_all_electron_atom(symbol, charge)
# r = ae.rgd.r_g * units.Bohr
# ve = -ae.rgd.poisson(ae.n_sg.sum(0))
# ve = interp1d(r, ve, fill_value="extrapolate", bounds_error=False)
# vr = (
# lambda r: atomic_numbers[symbol] / r / (4 * np.pi * eps0)
# + ve(r) / r * units.Hartree * units.Bohr
# )
# return vr