"""Module for describing the nuclear and electronic charge density used as the electrostatic potential in multislice simulations."""
from __future__ import annotations
from functools import partial
from typing import Tuple, Union
import dask
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase.cell import Cell
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
from abtem.core.backend import copy_to_device
from abtem.core.fft import fft_crop, fft_interpolate
from abtem.parametrizations import EwaldParametrization
from abtem.potentials.iam import Potential, _PotentialBuilder
from abtem.inelastic.phonons import AtomsEnsemble, DummyFrozenPhonons
from abtem.atoms import plane_to_axes
from abtem.core.constants import eps0
def _spatial_frequencies_orthorhombic(shape, cell: Cell):
if not cell.orthorhombic:
raise RuntimeError()
kx, ky, kz = (np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=1 / n) for n in shape)
lengths = cell.reciprocal().lengths()
kx = kx[:, None, None] * lengths[0]
ky = ky[None, :, None] * lengths[1]
kz = kz[None, None, :] * lengths[2]
return kx, ky, kz
def _spatial_frequencies_meshgrid(shape, cell):
kx, ky, kz = (np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=1 / n) for n in shape)
kx, ky, kz = np.meshgrid(kx, ky, kz, indexing="ij")
kp = np.array([kx.ravel(), ky.ravel(), kz.ravel()]).T
kx, ky, kz = np.dot(kp, cell.reciprocal().array).T
return kx.reshape(shape), ky.reshape(shape), kz.reshape(shape)
def _spatial_frequencies(shape, cell):
if cell.orthorhombic:
return _spatial_frequencies_orthorhombic(shape, cell)
return _spatial_frequencies_meshgrid(shape, cell)
def _spatial_frequencies_squared(shape, cell: Cell):
kx, ky, kz = _spatial_frequencies(shape, cell)
return kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2
def integrate_gradient_fourier(
array: np.ndarray, cell: Cell, in_space: str = "real", out_space: str = "real"
) -> np.ndarray:
Integrate an array representation of a gradient in 3D using Fourier-space integration.
array : np.ndarray
Array representing a gradient of dimension 3.
cell : ase.cell.Cell
ASE `Cell` object defining the region of space where the gradient is integrated.
in_space : str
Space in which the gradient is defined (either "real" or "fourier").
out_space : str
Space in which the integrated gradient is defined ("real" or "fourier").
integrated : np.ndarray
Integrated gradient.
if in_space == "real":
array = np.fft.fftn(array)
k2 = _spatial_frequencies_squared(array.shape, cell)
k2 = 2**2 * np.pi**2 * k2
k2[0, 0, 0] = 1.0
array /= k2
if out_space == "real":
array = np.fft.ifftn(array).real
return array
def _superpose_deltas(positions, array, scale=1):
corners = np.floor(positions).astype(int)
shape = array.shape
xi = np.array([corners[:, 0] % shape[0], (corners[:, 0] + 1) % shape[0]]).T[
:, :, None, None
xi = np.tile(xi, (1, 1, 2, 2)).reshape((len(positions), -1))
yi = np.array([corners[:, 1] % shape[1], (corners[:, 1] + 1) % shape[1]]).T[
:, None, :, None
yi = np.tile(yi, (1, 2, 1, 2)).reshape((len(positions), -1))
zi = np.array([corners[:, 2] % shape[2], (corners[:, 2] + 1) % shape[2]]).T[
:, None, None, :
zi = np.tile(zi, (1, 2, 2, 1)).reshape((len(positions), -1))
x, y, z = (positions - corners).T
x = np.array([1 - x, x]).T[:, :, None, None]
y = np.array([1 - y, y]).T[:, None, :, None]
z = np.array([1 - z, z]).T[:, None, None, :]
values = (x * y * z).reshape((len(positions), -1)) * scale
array[xi, yi, zi] += values
return array
def _add_point_charges_real_space(array, atoms):
pixel_volume = np.prod(np.diag(atoms.cell)) / np.prod(array.shape)
inverse_cell = np.linalg.inv(np.array(atoms.cell))
positions = np.dot(atoms.positions, inverse_cell)
positions *= array.shape
for number in np.unique(atoms.numbers):
array = _superpose_deltas(
positions[atoms.numbers == number],
scale=number / pixel_volume,
return array
def _fourier_space_delta(kx, ky, kz, x, y, z):
return np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * (kx * x + ky * y + kz * z))
def _fourier_space_gaussian(k2, width):
a = np.sqrt(1 / (2 * width**2)) / (2 * np.pi)
return np.exp(-1 / (4 * a**2) * k2)
def add_point_charges_fourier(
array: np.ndarray, atoms: Atoms, broadening: float = 0.0
) -> np.ndarray:
Add the nuclear point charges in Reciprocal space.
array : np.ndarray
Array representing 3D charge density to which the point charges are added.
atoms : ase.Atoms
Atoms from which the nuclear charges with magnitudes and positions are determined.
broadening : float
Gaussian broadening of the point charges (default is 0.0).
density : np.ndarray
3D charge density with added nuclear charges in reciprocal space.
pixel_volume = np.prod(np.diag(atoms.cell)) / np.prod(array.shape)
kx, ky, kz = _spatial_frequencies(array.shape, atoms.cell)
if broadening:
broadening = _fourier_space_gaussian(kx**2 + ky**2 + kz**2, broadening)
broadening = 1.0
for atom in atoms:
scale = atom.number / pixel_volume
array += scale * broadening * _fourier_space_delta(kx, ky, kz, *atom.position)
return array
def _interpolate_between_cells(
array, new_shape, old_cell, new_cell, offset=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), order=2
x = np.linspace(0, 1, new_shape[0], endpoint=False)
y = np.linspace(0, 1, new_shape[1], endpoint=False)
z = np.linspace(0, 1, new_shape[2], endpoint=False)
x, y, z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing="ij")
coordinates = np.array([x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()]).T
coordinates = np.dot(coordinates, new_cell) + offset
padding = 3
padded_array = np.pad(array, ((padding,) * 2,) * 3, mode="wrap")
inverse_old_cell = np.linalg.inv(np.array(old_cell))
mapped_coordinates = np.dot(coordinates, inverse_old_cell) % 1.0
mapped_coordinates *= array.shape
mapped_coordinates += padding
interpolated = map_coordinates(
padded_array, mapped_coordinates.T, mode="wrap", order=order
interpolated = interpolated.reshape(new_shape)
return interpolated
def _interpolate_slice(array, cell, gpts, sampling, a, b):
slice_shape = gpts + (int((b - a) / (min(sampling))),)
if slice_shape[-1] <= 1:
raise RuntimeError("The slice thickness requested is not implmented for the provided charge density "
slice_box = np.diag((gpts[0] * sampling[0], gpts[1] * sampling[1]) + (b - a,))
slice_array = _interpolate_between_cells(
array, slice_shape, cell, slice_box, (0, 0, a)
dz = (b - a) / slice_shape[-1]
return np.sum(slice_array, axis=-1) * dz
def _generate_slices(
charge, ewald_potential, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None
if last_slice is None:
last_slice = len(ewald_potential)
if ewald_potential.plane != "xy":
axes = plane_to_axes(ewald_potential.plane)
charge = np.moveaxis(charge, axes[:2], (0, 1))
atoms = ewald_potential.get_transformed_atoms()
atoms = ewald_potential.frozen_phonons.atoms
atoms = ewald_potential.frozen_phonons.randomize(atoms)
charge = -np.fft.fftn(charge)
charge = fft_crop(
charge, charge.shape[:2] + (ewald_potential.num_slices,), normalize=True
charge = add_point_charges_fourier(
charge, atoms, ewald_potential.integrator.parametrization.width
potential = (
charge, atoms.cell, in_space="fourier", out_space="real"
/ eps0
for i, ((a, b), slic) in enumerate(
ewald_potential.generate_slices(first_slice, last_slice),
slice_array = _interpolate_slice(
potential, atoms.cell, ewald_potential.gpts, ewald_potential.sampling, a, b
slic._array = slic._array + copy_to_device(slice_array[None], slic.array)
slic._array -= slic._array.min()
yield slic
class ChargeDensityPotential(_PotentialBuilder):
The charge density potential is used to calculate the electrostatic potential from a set of core charges defined by
an ASE `Atoms` object and corresponding electron charge density defined by a NumPy array.
atoms : Atoms or FrozenPhonons
Atomic configuration(s) used in the independent atom model for calculating the electrostatic potential(s).
charge_density : np.ndarray
Charge density as a 3D NumPy array [electrons / Å^3].
gpts : one or two int, optional
Number of grid points in `x` and `y` describing each slice of the potential calculated by specifying either `sampling` or `gpts`.
sampling : one or two float, optional
Sampling of the potential in `x` and `y` [1 / Å] calculated by specifying either `sampling` or `gpts`.
slice_thickness : float or sequence of float, optional
Thickness of the potential slices [Å] (default is 0.5 Å). If given as a float, the number of slices are calculated by dividing the
slice thickness into the `z`-height of the cell.
The slice thickness may be given as a sequence of values for each slice, in which case an error will be thrown
if the sum of slice thicknesses is not equal to the height of the atoms.
exit_planes : int or tuple of int, optional
The `exit_planes` argument can be used to calculate thickness series.
Providing `exit_planes` as a tuple of int indicates that the tuple contains the slice indices after which an
exit plane is desired, and hence during a multislice simulation a measurement is created. If `exit_planes` is
an integer, a measurement will be collected every `exit_planes` number of slices.
plane : str or two tuples of three float, optional
The plane relative to the provided atoms mapped to the `xy` plane of the potential, i.e. the propagation direction will be
perpendicular to the provided plane. If str, must be a concatenation of two of 'x', 'y' and 'z';
the default value 'xy' indicates that potential slices are cuts parallel to the 'xy'-plane.
The plane may also be specified with two arbitrary 3D vectors, which are mapped to the `x` and `y` directions of
the potential, respectively. The length of the vectors has no influence. If the vectors are not perpendicular,
the second vector is rotated in the plane to become perpendicular to the first. A value of
((1., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0.)) is equivalent to 'xy'.
origin : three float, optional
The origin relative to the provided atoms mapped to the origin of the potential. This is equivalent to translating
the atoms.
The default is (0., 0., 0.).
box : three float, optional
The extent of the potential in `x`, `y` and `z`. If not given this is determined from the atoms. If the box size does
not match an integer number of the atoms' cell, an affine transformation may be necessary to preserve
periodicity, determined by the `periodic` keyword.
periodic : bool, True
If a transformation of the atomic structure is required, `periodic` determines how the atomic structure is
transformed. If True, the periodicity of the atoms is preserved, which may require applying a small affine
transformation to the atoms. If False, the transformed potential is effectively cut out of a larger repeated
potential, which may not preserve periodicity.
device : str, optional
The device used for calculating the potential. The default is determined by the user configuration file.
def __init__(
atoms: Union[Atoms, AtomsEnsemble],
charge_density: np.ndarray = None,
gpts: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = None,
sampling: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = None,
slice_thickness: Union[float, Tuple[float]] = 0.5,
plane: str = "xy",
box: Tuple[float, float, float] = None,
origin: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
periodic: bool = True,
exit_planes: int = None,
device: str = None,
if hasattr(atoms, "randomize"):
self._frozen_phonons = atoms
self._frozen_phonons = DummyFrozenPhonons(atoms)
self._charge_density = charge_density.astype(np.float32)
def frozen_phonons(self):
return self._frozen_phonons
def num_configurations(self):
return len(self.frozen_phonons)
def ensemble_axes_metadata(self):
return self.frozen_phonons.ensemble_axes_metadata
def ensemble_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
return self.frozen_phonons.ensemble_shape
def is_lazy(self):
return isinstance(self.charge_density, da.core.Array)
def charge_density(self):
return self._charge_density
def _wrap_charge_density(charge_density, frozen_phonon):
return np.array(
[{"charge_density": charge_density, "atoms": frozen_phonon}], dtype=object
def _partition_args(self, chunks: int = 1, lazy: bool = True):
chunks = self._validate_ensemble_chunks(chunks)
charge_densities = self.charge_density
if len(charge_densities.shape) == 3:
charge_densities = charge_densities[None]
elif len(charge_densities.shape) != 4:
raise RuntimeError()
if len(self.ensemble_shape) == 0:
blocks = np.zeros((1,), dtype=object)
blocks = np.zeros((len(chunks[0]),), dtype=object)
if lazy:
if not isinstance(charge_densities, da.core.Array):
charge_densities = da.from_array(
charge_densities, chunks=(1, -1, -1, -1)
if charge_densities.shape[0] != self.ensemble_shape:
charge_densities = da.tile(
charge_densities, self.ensemble_shape + (1, 1, 1)
charge_densities = charge_densities.to_delayed()
elif hasattr(charge_densities, "compute"):
raise RuntimeError
frozen_phonon_blocks = self._ewald_potential().frozen_phonons._partition_args(
for i, (charge_density, frozen_phonon) in enumerate(
zip(charge_densities, frozen_phonon_blocks)
if lazy:
block = dask.delayed(self._wrap_charge_density)(
charge_density.item(), frozen_phonon
blocks.itemset(i, da.from_delayed(block, shape=(1,), dtype=object))
i, self._wrap_charge_density(charge_density, frozen_phonon)
if lazy:
blocks = da.concatenate(list(blocks))
return (blocks,)
def _charge_density_potential(*args, frozen_phonons_partial, **kwargs):
args = args[0]
if hasattr(args, "item"):
args = args.item()
args["atoms"] = frozen_phonons_partial(args["atoms"])
potential = ChargeDensityPotential(**kwargs)
return potential
def _from_partitioned_args(self):
kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(
exclude=("atoms", "charge_density"), cls=ChargeDensityPotential
frozen_phonons_partial = (
return partial(
def _interpolate_slice(self, array, cell, a, b):
slice_shape = self.gpts + (int((b - a) / min(self.sampling)),)
slice_box = np.diag(self.box[:2] + (b - a,))
slice_array = _interpolate_between_cells(
array, slice_shape, cell, slice_box, (0, 0, a)
pixel_thickness = (slice_shape[-1] - 1)
return np.trapz(slice_array, axis=-1, dx=(b - a) / pixel_thickness)
def _integrate_slice(self, array, a, b):
dz = self.box[2] / array.shape[2]
na = int(np.floor(a / dz))
nb = int(np.floor(b / dz))
slice_array = np.trapz(array[..., na:nb], axis=-1, dx=(b - a) / (nb - na - 1))
return fft_interpolate(slice_array, new_shape=self.gpts, normalization="values")
def _ewald_potential(self):
ewald_parametrization = EwaldParametrization(width=1)
return Potential(
def generate_slices(self, first_slice: int = 0, last_slice: int = None):
Generate the slices for the potential.
first_slice : int, optional
Index of the first slice of the generated potential.
last_slice : int, optional
Index of the last slice of the generated potential.
slices : generator of np.ndarray
Generator for the array of slices.
if last_slice is None:
last_slice = len(self)
if len(self.charge_density.shape) == 4:
if self.charge_density.shape[0] > 1:
raise RuntimeError()
array = self.charge_density[0]
elif len(self.charge_density.shape) == 3:
array = self.charge_density
raise RuntimeError()
ewald_potential = self._ewald_potential()
for slic in _generate_slices(
array, ewald_potential, first_slice=first_slice, last_slice=last_slice
yield slic