Source code for abtem.distributions

"""Module for describing distributions of simulation parameters."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from functools import partial
from numbers import Number
from typing import Sequence, Iterable, Iterator

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np

from abtem.core.backend import get_array_module, ArrayModule
from abtem.core.chunks import Chunks, equal_sized_chunks
from abtem.core.ensemble import Ensemble, _wrap_with_array, unpack_blockwise_args
from abtem.core.utils import EqualityMixin, CopyMixin

[docs] class BaseDistribution(EqualityMixin, CopyMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base object for defining distributions of simulation parameters. """ def __array__(self): return self.values def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[float]: return iter(self.values) @property @abstractmethod def dimensions(self) -> int: """The number of dimensions in the distribution.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """The shape of the distribution parameters.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def divide(self, chunks: Chunks, lazy: bool = True): """Divide the distribution into chunks.""" pass
@property @abstractmethod def ensemble_mean(self) -> bool: """Calculate the mean of the ensemble.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def values(self) -> np.ndarray: """Scalar values representing the distribution.""" pass @property @abstractmethod def weights(self) -> np.ndarray: """Weight of each of distribution value.""" pass
[docs] class DistributionFromValues(BaseDistribution):
[docs] def __init__( self, values: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray = None, ensemble_mean: bool = False, ): self._values = values if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(values)) self._weights = weights self._ensemble_mean = ensemble_mean
def __neg__(self) -> DistributionFromValues: return self.__class__( values=-self.values, weights=self.weights, ensemble_mean=self.ensemble_mean ) @property def dimensions(self) -> int: if len(self.shape) > 1: return self.shape[1] return 1 @property def shape(self) -> tuple[int]: return (self.values.shape[0],)
[docs] def divide(self, chunks: int | tuple[int, ...] = 1, lazy: bool = True): if isinstance(chunks, int): chunks = equal_sized_chunks(len(self), chunks=chunks) elif isinstance(chunks, tuple): assert sum(chunks) == len(self) else: raise ValueError blocks = np.empty(len(chunks), dtype=object) for i, (start, stop) in enumerate( zip(np.cumsum((0,) + chunks), np.cumsum(chunks)) ): blocks[i] = self.__class__( self.values[start:stop].copy(), weights=self.weights[start:stop].copy(), ensemble_mean=self.ensemble_mean, ) if lazy: blocks = da.from_array(blocks, chunks=1) return blocks
def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._values) @property def ensemble_mean(self) -> bool: return self._ensemble_mean @property def values(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._values @property def weights(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._weights
[docs] def combine(self, other: DistributionFromValues) -> MultidimensionalDistribution: """ Combine distribution with another distribution to produce a higher-dimensional distribution. Parameters ---------- other : DistributionFromValues The distribution to combine this distribution with. Returns ------- combined_distribution : MultidimensionalDistribution Higher-dimensional combined distribution. """ return MultidimensionalDistribution([self, other])
[docs] class MultidimensionalDistribution(BaseDistribution): """ A multidimensional distribution composed of multiple lower-dimensional distributions. Parameters ---------- distributions : list of BaseDistribution The lower-dimensional distributions composed into a higher-dimensional distribution. """
[docs] def __init__(self, distributions: list[BaseDistribution]): for distribution in distributions: assert distribution.dimensions == 1 self._distributions = distributions
@property def distributions(self): """The lower dimensional distributions making up this distribution.""" return self._distributions def _apply_to_distributions(self, method_name): return self.__class__( [ getattr(distribution, method_name)() for distribution in self.distributions ] ) def __neg__(self): return self._apply_to_distributions("__neg__")
[docs] def divide(self, chunks: Chunks, lazy: bool = True): if self.dimensions == 1: return self._distributions[0].divide(chunks, lazy) raise NotImplementedError
@property def shape(self): return tuple( map(sum, tuple(distribution.shape for distribution in self._distributions)) ) @property def dimensions(self): return len(self._distributions) @property def values(self): if self.dimensions == 1: return self._distributions[0].values values = [distribution.values for distribution in self._distributions] xp = get_array_module(values[0]) return xp.stack(xp.meshgrid(*values, indexing="ij"), axis=-1) @property def ensemble_mean(self): return tuple(distribution.ensemble_mean for distribution in self._distributions) @property def weights(self): if self.dimensions == 1: return self._distributions[0].weights xp = get_array_module(self._distributions[0].weights) weights = xp.outer( self._distributions[0].weights, self._distributions[1].weights ) for i in range(2, len(self._distributions)): weights = xp.outer(weights, self._distributions[i].weights) return weights
[docs] def from_values( values: Sequence[Number], weights: np.ndarray = None, ensemble_mean: bool = False ) -> DistributionFromValues: """ Return a distribution from user-defined values and weights. Parameters ---------- values : sequence of int or float The scalar values of the parameters. weights : sequence of float, optional The scalar values of the weights (default is None). ensemble_mean : bool, optional If True, the mean of an ensemble of measurements defined by the distribution is calculated, otherwise the full ensemble is kept. """ if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(values)) values = np.array(values) return DistributionFromValues( values=values, weights=weights, ensemble_mean=ensemble_mean )
[docs] def uniform( low: float, high: float, num_samples: int, endpoint: bool = True, ensemble_mean: bool = False, ) -> DistributionFromValues: """ Return a distribution with uniformly weighted values evenly spaced over a specified interval. As an example, this distribution may be used for simulating a focal series. Parameters ---------- low : float The lowest value of the distribution. high : float The highest value of the distribution. If endpoint is set to False, the sequence consists of all but the last of `num_samples + 1` evenly spaced samples so that the high value is excluded. num_samples : int Number of samples in the distribution. endpoint : bool ensemble_mean : bool, optional If True, the mean of an ensemble of measurements defined by the distribution is calculated, otherwise the full ensemble is kept. """ values = np.linspace(start=low, stop=high, num=num_samples, endpoint=endpoint) weights = np.ones(len(values)) values = np.array(values) return DistributionFromValues( values=values, weights=weights, ensemble_mean=ensemble_mean )
[docs] def gaussian( standard_deviation: float | tuple[float, ...], num_samples: int | tuple[int, ...], dimension: int = 1, center: float | tuple[float, ...] = 0.0, ensemble_mean: bool | tuple[bool, ...] = True, sampling_limit: float | tuple[float, ...] = 3.0, normalize: str = "intensity", ) -> MultidimensionalDistribution: """ Return a distribution with values weighted according to a (multidimensional) Gaussian distribution. The values are evenly spaced within a given truncation of the Gaussian distribution. As an example, this distribution may be used for simulating focal spread. Parameters ---------- standard_deviation : float or tuple of float The standard deviation of the distribution. The standard deviations may be given for each axis as a tuple, or as a single number, in which case it is equal for all axes. num_samples : int Number of samples uniformly spaced samples. The samples may be given for each axis as a tuple, or as a single number, in which case it is equal for all axes. center : float or tuple of float The center of the Gaussian distribution (default is 0.0). The center may be given for each axis as a tuple, or as a single number, in which case it is equal for all axes. dimension : int, optional Number of dimensions of the Gaussian distribution. ensemble_mean : bool, optional If True, the mean of ensemble of measurements defined by the distribution is calculated, otherwise the full ensemble is kept. Default is True. sampling_limit : float, optional Truncate the distribution at this many standard deviations (default is 3.0). normalize : str, optional Specifies whether to normalize the 'intensity' (default) or 'amplitude'. """ if np.isscalar(center): center = (center,) * dimension if np.isscalar(standard_deviation): standard_deviation = (standard_deviation,) * dimension if np.isscalar(num_samples): num_samples = (num_samples,) * dimension if np.isscalar(ensemble_mean): ensemble_mean = (ensemble_mean,) * dimension if np.isscalar(sampling_limit): sampling_limit = (sampling_limit,) * dimension distributions = [] for i in range(dimension): values = np.linspace( -standard_deviation[i] * sampling_limit[i] + center[i], standard_deviation[i] * sampling_limit[i] + center[i], num_samples[i], ) weights = np.exp(-0.5 * (values - center[i]) ** 2 / standard_deviation[i] ** 2) if normalize == "intensity": weights /= np.sqrt((weights**2).sum()) elif normalize == "amplitude": weights /= weights.sum() else: raise RuntimeError() distributions.append( DistributionFromValues( values=values, weights=weights, ensemble_mean=ensemble_mean[i] ) ) return MultidimensionalDistribution(distributions=distributions)
[docs] def validate_distribution( distribution: BaseDistribution | Iterable | Number, ) -> BaseDistribution | Number: """ Parameters ---------- distribution : BaseDistribution or Iterable or Number The input distribution to be validated. Returns ------- BaseDistribution or Number The validated distribution. If the input distribution is already a valid distribution, it is returned as is. If the input distribution is a single number, it is returned unchanged. If the input distribution is an ndarray with shape (0,), its single element is returned. If the input distribution is a tuple, list, or ndarray, it is converted to an ndarray and wrapped into a DistributionFromValues object where each value has equal weight. Otherwise, a ValueError is raised. Raises ------ ValueError If the input distribution is not a valid distribution or . """ if isinstance(distribution, (BaseDistribution, Number, str)): return distribution if isinstance(distribution, np.ndarray) and len(distribution.shape) == 0: return distribution.item() if isinstance(distribution, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): try: distribution = np.array(distribution) except ValueError: distribution = np.array(distribution, dtype=object) return DistributionFromValues( distribution, np.ones_like(distribution, dtype=np.float32) ) raise ValueError( f"value {distribution} is not a single number or could not be converted to a valid distribution" )
def _unpack_distributions( *args: float | BaseDistribution, shape: tuple, xp: ArrayModule = np ): if len(args) == 0: return (), 1.0 num_new_axes = sum(len(arg.shape) for arg in args if hasattr(arg, "shape")) unpacked = () weights = 1.0 i = 0 for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, BaseDistribution): unpacked += (arg,) continue axis = list(range(num_new_axes)) del axis[i] i += 1 axis = tuple(axis) + tuple(range(num_new_axes, num_new_axes + len(shape))) values = xp.asarray(np.expand_dims(arg.values, axis=axis), dtype=xp.float32) unpacked += (values,) new_weights = xp.asarray( np.expand_dims(arg.weights, axis=axis), dtype=xp.float32 ) weights = new_weights if weights is None else weights * new_weights return unpacked, weights
[docs] class EnsembleFromDistributions(Ensemble, EqualityMixin, CopyMixin): """ Base object for ensembles based on distributions. Parameters ---------- distributions : tuple of str, optional Names of properties that may be described by a distribution. """
[docs] def __init__(self, distributions: tuple[str, ...] = (), **kwargs): self._distributions = distributions super().__init__(**kwargs)
@property def _num_ensemble_axes(self): return sum( len(distribution.shape) for distribution in self._distribution_properties.values() ) @property def _distribution_properties(self): ensemble_parameters = {} for parameter in self._distributions: value = getattr(self, parameter) if hasattr(value, "values"): ensemble_parameters[parameter] = value return ensemble_parameters @property def ensemble_shape(self): return tuple( map( sum, tuple( distribution.shape for distribution in self._distribution_properties.values() ), ) ) def _partition_args(self, chunks: int = 1, lazy: bool = True): distributions = self._distribution_properties chunks = self._validate_ensemble_chunks(chunks) blocks = () for distribution, n in zip(distributions.values(), chunks): blocks += (distribution.divide(n, lazy=lazy),) return blocks @classmethod def _partial_transform(cls, *args, keys, **kwargs): assert len(args) == len(keys) args = unpack_blockwise_args(args) kwargs = {**kwargs, **{key: arg for key, arg in zip(keys, args)}} new_transform = cls(**kwargs) new_transform = _wrap_with_array(new_transform, len(keys)) return new_transform def _from_partitioned_args(self): keys = tuple(self._distribution_properties.keys()) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs() return partial(self._partial_transform, keys=keys, **kwargs) @property def _default_ensemble_chunks(self): return ("auto",) * len(self.ensemble_shape)