Source code for abtem.array

"""Module for describing array objects."""

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import json
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta
from contextlib import nullcontext, contextmanager
from functools import partial
from numbers import Number
from typing import TypeVar, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING

import dask
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import zarr
from dask.array.utils import validate_axis
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar, Profiler, ResourceProfiler

from abtem._version import __version__
from abtem.core import config
from abtem.core.axes import (
from abtem.core.backend import (
from abtem.core.chunks import Chunks, validate_chunks, chunk_shape, iterate_chunk_ranges
from abtem.core.ensemble import (
from abtem.core.utils import (

    from abtem.transform import ArrayObjectTransform

    import tifffile
except ImportError:
    tifffile = None

def _to_hyperspy_axes_metadata(axes_metadata, shape):
    hyperspy_axes = []

    if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)):
        shape = (shape,)

    for metadata, n in zip(axes_metadata, shape):
        hyperspy_axes.append({"size": n})

        axes_mapping = {
            "sampling": "scale",
            "units": "units",
            "label": "name",
            "offset": "offset",

        if isinstance(metadata, OrdinalAxis):
            # TODO : when hyperspy supports arbitrary (non-uniform) DataAxis this should be updated

            if len(metadata.values) > 1:
                sampling = metadata.values[1] - metadata.values[0]
                sampling = 1.0

            if metadata.units is None:
                units = ""
                units = metadata.units

            metadata = LinearAxis(

        for attr, mapped_attr in axes_mapping.items():
            if hasattr(metadata, attr):
                hyperspy_axes[-1][mapped_attr] = getattr(metadata, attr)

    return hyperspy_axes

[docs] class ComputableList(list): """ A list with methods for conveniently computing its items. """
[docs] def to_zarr( self, url: str, compute: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, progress_bar: bool = None, **kwargs, ): """ Write data to a zarr file. Parameters ---------- url : str Location of the data, typically a path to a local file. A URL can also include a protocol specifier like s3:// for remote data. compute : bool If true compute immediately; return dask.delayed.Delayed otherwise. overwrite : bool If given array already exists, overwrite=False will cause an error, where overwrite=True will replace the existing data. progress_bar : bool Display a progress bar in the terminal or notebook during computation. The progress bar is only displayed with a local scheduler. kwargs : Keyword arguments passed to `dask.array.to_zarr`. """ computables = [] with, mode="w") as root: for i, has_array in enumerate(self): has_array = has_array.ensure_lazy() array = has_array.copy_to_device("cpu").array computables.append( array.to_zarr( url, compute=False, component=f"array{i}", overwrite=overwrite ) ) packed_kwargs = has_array._pack_kwargs( has_array._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) ) root.attrs[f"kwargs{i}"] = packed_kwargs root.attrs[f"type{i}"] = has_array.__class__.__name__ if not compute: return computables with _compute_context( progress_bar, profiler=False, resource_profiler=False ) as (_, profiler, resource_profiler, _): output = dask.compute(computables, **kwargs)[0] profilers = () if profiler is not None: profilers += (profiler,) if resource_profiler is not None: profilers += (resource_profiler,) if profilers: return output, profilers return output
[docs] def compute(self, **kwargs) -> list[ArrayObject] | tuple[list[ArrayObject], tuple]: """ Turn a list of lazy ArrayObjects object into the in-memory equivalents. kwargs : Keyword arguments passed to `ArrayObject.compute`. """ output, profilers = _compute(self, **kwargs) if profilers: return output, profilers return output
@contextmanager def _compute_context( progress_bar: bool = None, profiler=False, resource_profiler=False ): if progress_bar is None: progress_bar = config.get("local_diagnostics.progress_bar") if progress_bar: if progress_bar == "tqdm": from tqdm.dask import TqdmCallback progress_bar = TqdmCallback(desc="tasks") else: progress_bar = ProgressBar() else: progress_bar = nullcontext() if profiler: profiler = Profiler() else: profiler = nullcontext() if resource_profiler: resource_profiler = ResourceProfiler() else: resource_profiler = nullcontext() dask_configuration = { "": config.get("dask.fuse"), } with ( progress_bar as progress_bar, profiler as profiler, resource_profiler as resource_profiler, dask.config.set(dask_configuration) as dask_configuration, ): yield progress_bar, profiler, resource_profiler, dask_configuration def _compute( dask_array_wrappers, progress_bar: bool = None, profiler: bool = False, resource_profiler: bool = False, **kwargs, ): if config.get("device") == "gpu": check_cupy_is_installed() if "num_workers" not in kwargs: kwargs["num_workers"] = cp.cuda.runtime.getDeviceCount() if "threads_per_worker" not in kwargs: kwargs["threads_per_worker"] = cp.cuda.runtime.getDeviceCount() with _compute_context( progress_bar, profiler=profiler, resource_profiler=resource_profiler ) as (_, profiler, resource_profiler, _): arrays = dask.compute( [wrapper.array for wrapper in dask_array_wrappers], **kwargs )[0] for array, wrapper in zip(arrays, dask_array_wrappers): wrapper._array = array profilers = () if profiler is not None: profilers += (profiler,) if resource_profiler is not None: profilers += (resource_profiler,) return dask_array_wrappers, profilers def _validate_lazy(lazy): if lazy is None: return config.get("dask.lazy") return lazy T = TypeVar("T", bound="ArrayObject")
[docs] class ArrayObject(Ensemble, EqualityMixin, CopyMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ A base class for simulation objects described by an array and associated metadata. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray Array representing the array object. ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxesMetadata Axis metadata for each ensemble axis. The axis metadata must be compatible with the shape of the array. metadata : dict A dictionary defining wave function metadata. All items will be added to the metadata of measurements derived from the waves. """ _base_dims: int
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray | da.core.Array, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: dict = None, ): if ensemble_axes_metadata is None: ensemble_axes_metadata = [] if metadata is None: metadata = {} self._array = array self._ensemble_axes_metadata = ensemble_axes_metadata self._metadata = metadata if len(array.shape) < self._base_dims: raise RuntimeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} must be {self._base_dims}D or greater, not " f"{len(array.shape)}D" ) self._check_axes_metadata()
@property def base_dims(self): """Number of base dimensions.""" return self._base_dims @property def ensemble_dims(self): """Number of ensemble dimensions.""" return len(self.shape) - self.base_dims @property def base_axes_metadata(self) -> list[AxisMetadata]: return [UnknownAxis() for _ in range(self._base_dims)] @property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Shape of the underlying array.""" return self.array.shape @property def base_shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Shape of the base axes of the underlying array.""" return self.shape[self.ensemble_dims :] @property def ensemble_shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Shape of the ensemble axes of the underlying array.""" return self.shape[: self.ensemble_dims] @property def ensemble_axes_metadata(self): """List of AxisMetadata of the ensemble axes.""" return self._ensemble_axes_metadata @property def axes_metadata(self) -> AxesMetadataList: """List of AxisMetadata.""" return AxesMetadataList( self.ensemble_axes_metadata + self.base_axes_metadata, self.shape ) def _check_axes_metadata(self): if len(self.shape) != len(self.axes_metadata): raise RuntimeError( f"number of array dimensions ({len(self.shape)}) does not match number of axis metadata items " f"({len(self.axes_metadata)})" ) for n, axis in zip(self.shape, self.axes_metadata): if isinstance(axis, OrdinalAxis) and len(axis) != n: raise RuntimeError( f"number of values for ordinal axis ({len(axis)}), does not match size of dimension " f"({n})" ) def _is_base_axis(self, axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) -> bool: if isinstance(axis, Number): axis = (axis,) base_axes = tuple(range(len(self.ensemble_shape), len(self.shape))) return len(set(axis).intersection(base_axes)) > 0 def apply_func(self, func, **kwargs) -> T: from abtem.transform import TransformFromFunc transform = TransformFromFunc(func, func_kwargs=kwargs) return self.apply_transform(transform) def get_from_metadata(self, name: str, broadcastable: bool = False): axes_metadata_index = None for i, (n, axis) in enumerate(zip(self.shape, self.ensemble_axes_metadata)): if axis.label == name: data = axis.coordinates(n) axes_metadata_index = i if axes_metadata_index is not None and broadcastable: return np.array(data)[ ( *((None,) * axes_metadata_index), slice(None), *((None,) * (len(self.ensemble_shape) - 1 - axes_metadata_index)), ) ] elif axes_metadata_index is not None: if name in self.metadata.keys(): raise RuntimeError( f"Could not resolve metadata for {name}, found in both ensemble axes metadata and metadata" ) return data else: try: return self.metadata[name] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not resolve metadata for {name}")
[docs] @classmethod def from_array_and_metadata( cls, array: np.ndarray | da.core.Array, axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict, ) -> T: """ Creates array object from a given array and metadata. Parameters ---------- array : array Complex array defining one or more 2D wave functions. The second-to-last and last dimensions are the wave function `y`- and `x`-axis, respectively. axes_metadata : list of AxesMetadata Axis metadata for each axis. The axis metadata must be compatible with the shape of the array. The last two axes must be RealSpaceAxis. metadata : A dictionary defining wave function metadata. All items will be added to the metadata of measurements derived from the waves. The metadata must contain the electron energy [eV]. Returns ------- wave_functions : Waves The created wave functions. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rechunk(self, chunks: Chunks, **kwargs): """ Rechunk dask array. chunks : int or tuple or str How to rechunk the array. See `dask.array.rechunk`. kwargs : Additional keyword arguments passes to `dask.array.rechunk`. """ if not self.is_lazy: raise RuntimeError("cannot rechunk non-lazy array object") if isinstance(chunks, tuple) and len(chunks) < len(self.shape): chunks = chunks + ("auto",) * max((self.ensemble_dims - len(chunks), 0)) chunks = chunks + (-1,) * max((len(self.shape) - len(chunks), 0)) array = self._array.rechunk(chunks=chunks, **kwargs) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) return self.__class__(array, **kwargs)
@property def metadata(self): """Metadata stored as a dictionary.""" return self._metadata def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.array) @property def array(self) -> np.ndarray | da.core.Array: """ Underlying array describing the array object. """ return self._array @array.setter def array(self, array): """ Set underlying array describing the array object. """ if not array.shape == self.shape: raise ValueError("Shape of array must match shape of object.") if not array.dtype == self.dtype: raise ValueError("Datatype of array must match datatype of object.") if self.is_lazy != isinstance(array, da.core.Array): raise ValueError("Type of array must match type of object.") self._array = array @property def dtype(self) -> np.dtype.base: """ Datatype of array. """ return self._array.dtype @property def device(self) -> str: """The device where the array is stored.""" return device_name_from_array_module(get_array_module(self.array)) @property def is_lazy(self) -> bool: """ True if array is lazy. """ return isinstance(self.array, da.core.Array) @classmethod def _to_delayed_func(cls, array, **kwargs): kwargs["array"] = array return cls(**kwargs) @property def is_complex(self) -> bool: """ True if array is complex. """ return np.iscomplexobj(self.array) def _check_is_compatible(self, other: ArrayObject): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise RuntimeError( f"incompatible types ({self.__class__} != {other.__class__})" ) # if self.shape != other.shape: # raise RuntimeError(f"incompatible shapes ({self.shape} != {other.shape})") # for (key, value), (other_key, other_value) in zip( # self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array", "metadata")).items(), # other._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array", "metadata")).items(), # ): # if np.any(value != other_value): # raise RuntimeError( # f"incompatible values for {key} ({value} != {other_value})" # )
[docs] def generate_ensemble(self, keepdims: bool = False): """ Generate every member of the ensemble. Parameters ---------- keepdims : bool, opptional If True, all ensemble axes are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Default is False. Yields ------ ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject Member of the ensemble. """ for i in np.ndindex(*self.ensemble_shape): yield i, self.__class__(**self.get_items(i, keepdims=keepdims))
[docs] def mean( self, axis: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, keepdims: bool = False, split_every: int = 2, ) -> T: """ Mean of array object over one or more axes. Only ensemble axes can be reduced. Parameters ---------- axis : int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which a means are calculated. The default is to compute the mean of the flattened array. If this is a tuple of ints, the mean is calculated over multiple axes. The indicated axes must be ensemble axes. keepdims : bool, optional If True, the reduced axes are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Default is False. split_every : int Only used for lazy arrays. See `dask.array.reductions`. Returns ------- reduced_array : ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject The reduced array object. """ return self._reduction( "mean", axes=axis, keepdims=keepdims, split_every=split_every )
[docs] def sum( self, axis: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, keepdims: bool = False, split_every: int = 2, ) -> T: """ Sum of array object over one or more axes. Only ensemble axes can be reduced. Parameters ---------- axis : int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which a sums are performed. The default is to compute the mean of the flattened array. If this is a tuple of ints, the sum is performed over multiple axes. The indicated axes must be ensemble axes. keepdims : bool, optional If True, the reduced axes are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Default is False. split_every : int Only used for lazy arrays. See `dask.array.reductions`. Returns ------- reduced_array : ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject The reduced array object. """ return self._reduction( "sum", axes=axis, keepdims=keepdims, split_every=split_every )
[docs] def std( self, axis: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, keepdims: bool = False, split_every: int = 2, ) -> T: """ Standard deviation of array object over one or more axes. Only ensemble axes can be reduced. Parameters ---------- axis : int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which a standard deviations are calculated. The default is to compute the mean of the flattened array. If this is a tuple of ints, the standard deviations are calculated over multiple axes. The indicated axes must be ensemble axes. keepdims : bool, optional If True, the reduced axes are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Default is False. split_every : int Only used for lazy arrays. See `dask.array.reductions`. Returns ------- reduced_array : ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject The reduced array object. """ return self._reduction( "std", axes=axis, keepdims=keepdims, split_every=split_every )
[docs] def min( self, axis: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, keepdims: bool = False, split_every: int = 2, ) -> T: """ Minmimum of array object over one or more axes. Only ensemble axes can be reduced. Parameters ---------- axis : int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which a minima are calculated. The default is to compute the mean of the flattened array. If this is a tuple of ints, the minima are calculated over multiple axes. The indicated axes must be ensemble axes. keepdims : bool, optional If True, the reduced axes are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Default is False. split_every : int Only used for lazy arrays. See `dask.array.reductions`. Returns ------- reduced_array : ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject The reduced array object. """ return self._reduction( "min", axes=axis, keepdims=keepdims, split_every=split_every )
[docs] def max( self, axis: int | tuple[int, ...] = None, keepdims: bool = False, split_every: int = 2, ) -> T: """ Maximum of array object over one or more axes. Only ensemble axes can be reduced. Parameters ---------- axis : int or tuple of ints, optional Axis or axes along which a maxima are calculated. The default is to compute the mean of the flattened array. If this is a tuple of ints, the maxima are calculated over multiple axes. The indicated axes must be ensemble axes. keepdims : bool, optional If True, the reduced axes are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Default is False. split_every : int Only used for lazy arrays. See `dask.array.reductions`. Returns ------- reduced_array : ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject The reduced array object. """ return self._reduction( "max", axes=axis, keepdims=keepdims, split_every=split_every )
def _reduction( self, reduction_func, axes, keepdims: bool = False, split_every: int = 2 ) -> T: xp = get_array_module(self.array) if axes is None: if self.is_lazy: return getattr(da, reduction_func)(self.array) else: return getattr(xp, reduction_func)(self.array) if isinstance(axes, Number): axes = (axes,) axes = tuple(axis if axis >= 0 else len(self.shape) + axis for axis in axes) if self._is_base_axis(axes): raise RuntimeError("base axes cannot be reduced") ensemble_axes_metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.ensemble_axes_metadata) if not keepdims: ensemble_axes = tuple(range(len(self.ensemble_shape))) ensemble_axes_metadata = [ axis_metadata for axis_metadata, axis in zip(ensemble_axes_metadata, ensemble_axes) if axis not in axes ] kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) if self.is_lazy: kwargs["array"] = getattr(da, reduction_func)( self.array, axes, split_every=split_every, keepdims=keepdims ) else: kwargs["array"] = getattr(xp, reduction_func)( self.array, axes, keepdims=keepdims ) kwargs["ensemble_axes_metadata"] = ensemble_axes_metadata return self.__class__(**kwargs) def _arithmetic(self, other, func) -> T: if hasattr(other, "array"): self._check_is_compatible(other) other = other.array kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = getattr(self.array, func)(other) return self.__class__(**kwargs) def _in_place_arithmetic(self, other, func) -> T: # if hasattr(other, 'array'): # self.check_is_compatible(other) # other = other.array if self.is_lazy or (hasattr(other, "is_lazy") and other.is_lazy): raise RuntimeError( "inplace arithmetic operation not implemented for lazy measurement" ) return self._arithmetic(other, func) def __mul__(self, other) -> T: return self._arithmetic(other, "__mul__") def __imul__(self, other) -> T: return self._in_place_arithmetic(other, "__imul__") def __truediv__(self, other) -> T: return self._arithmetic(other, "__truediv__") def __itruediv__(self, other) -> T: return self._arithmetic(other, "__itruediv__") def __sub__(self, other) -> T: return self._arithmetic(other, "__sub__") def __isub__(self, other) -> T: return self._in_place_arithmetic(other, "__isub__") def __add__(self, other) -> T: return self._arithmetic(other, "__add__") def __iadd__(self, other) -> T: return self._in_place_arithmetic(other, "__iadd__") def __pow__(self, other) -> T: return self._arithmetic(other, "__pow__") __rmul__ = __mul__ __rtruediv__ = __truediv__ def _validate_items(self, items, keepdims: bool = False): if isinstance(items, (Number, slice, type(None), list, np.ndarray)): items = (items,) elif not isinstance(items, tuple): raise NotImplementedError( f"Indices must be integers or slices or a tuple of integers or slices or None, not {type(items).__name__}." ) if keepdims: items = tuple( slice(item, item + 1) if isinstance(item, int) else item for item in items ) assert isinstance(items, tuple) if any(isinstance(item, (type(...),)) for item in items): raise NotImplementedError if len(tuple(item for item in items if item is not None)) > len( self.ensemble_shape ): raise RuntimeError("Base axes cannot be indexed.") return items def _get_ensemble_axes_metadata_items(self, items): expanded_axes_metadatas = [ axis_metadata.copy() for axis_metadata in self.ensemble_axes_metadata ] for i, item in enumerate(items): if item is None: expanded_axes_metadatas.insert(i, UnknownAxis()) metadata = {} axes_metadata = [] last_indexed = 0 for item, expanded_axes_metadata in zip(items, expanded_axes_metadatas): last_indexed += 1 if isinstance(item, Number): metadata = {**metadata, **expanded_axes_metadata.item_metadata(item)} else: try: axes_metadata += [expanded_axes_metadata[item].copy()] except TypeError: axes_metadata += [expanded_axes_metadata.copy()] axes_metadata += expanded_axes_metadatas[last_indexed:] return axes_metadata, metadata
[docs] def get_items( self, items: int | tuple[int, ...] | slice, keepdims: bool = False, ) -> T: """ Index the array and the corresponding axes metadata. Only ensemble axes can be indexed. Parameters ---------- items : int or tuple of int or slice The array is indexed according to this. keepdims : bool, optional If True, all ensemble axes are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Default is False. Returns ------- indexed_array : ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject The indexed array object. """ items = self._validate_items(items, keepdims) ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata = self._get_ensemble_axes_metadata_items(items) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs( exclude=("array", "ensemble_axes_metadata", "metadata") ) kwargs["array"] = self._array[items] kwargs["ensemble_axes_metadata"] = ensemble_axes_metadata kwargs["metadata"] = {**self.metadata, **metadata} return kwargs
def __getitem__(self, items) -> T: return self.__class__(**self.get_items(items))
[docs] def expand_dims( self, axis: tuple[int, ...] = None, axis_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None ) -> T: """ Expand the shape of the array object. Parameters ---------- axis : int or tuple of ints Position in the expanded axes where the new axis (or axes) is placed. axis_metadata : AxisMetadata or List of AxisMetadata, optional The axis metadata describing the expanded axes. Default is UnknownAxis. Returns ------- expanded : ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject View of array object with the number of dimensions increased. """ if axis is None: axis = (0,) if type(axis) not in (tuple, list): axis = (axis,) if axis_metadata is None: axis_metadata = [UnknownAxis()] * len(axis) axis = normalize_axes(axis, self.shape) if any(a >= (len(self.ensemble_shape) + len(axis)) for a in axis): raise RuntimeError() ensemble_axes_metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.ensemble_axes_metadata) for a, am in zip(axis, axis_metadata): ensemble_axes_metadata.insert(a, am) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array", "ensemble_axes_metadata")) kwargs["array"] = _expand_dims(self.array, axis=axis) kwargs["ensemble_axes_metadata"] = ensemble_axes_metadata return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def squeeze(self, axis: tuple[int, ...] = None) -> T: """ Remove axes of length one from array object. Parameters ---------- axis : int or tuple of ints, optional Selects a subset of the entries of length one in the shape. Returns ------- squeezed : ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject The input array object, but with all or a subset of the dimensions of length 1 removed. """ if len(self.array.shape) < len(self.base_shape): return self if axis is None: axis = range(len(self.shape)) else: axis = normalize_axes(axis, self.shape) shape = self.shape[: -len(self.base_shape)] squeezed = tuple( np.where([(n == 1) and (i in axis) for i, n in enumerate(shape)])[0] ) xp = get_array_module(self.array) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array", "ensemble_axes_metadata")) kwargs["array"] = xp.squeeze(self.array, axis=squeezed) kwargs["ensemble_axes_metadata"] = [ element for i, element in enumerate(self.ensemble_axes_metadata) if i not in squeezed ] return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def ensure_lazy(self, chunks: str = "auto") -> T: """ Creates an equivalent lazy version of the array object. Parameters ---------- chunks : int or tuple or str How to chunk the array. See `dask.array.from_array`. Returns ------- lazy_array_object : ArrayObject or subclass of ArrayObject Lazy version of the array object. """ if self.is_lazy: return self if chunks == "auto": chunks = ("auto",) * len(self.ensemble_shape) + (-1,) * len(self.base_shape) array = da.from_array(self.array, chunks=chunks) return self.__class__(array, **self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)))
def lazy(self, chunks: str = "auto") -> T: return self.ensure_lazy(chunks)
[docs] def compute( self, progress_bar: bool = None, profiler: bool = False, resource_profiler: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Turn a lazy *ab*\TEM object into its in-memory equivalent. Parameters ---------- progress_bar : bool Display a progress bar in the terminal or notebook during computation. The progress bar is only displayed with a local scheduler. profiler : bool Return Profiler class used to profile Dask's execution at the task level. Only execution with a local is profiled. resource_profiler : bool Return ResourceProfiler class is used to profile Dask’s execution at the resource level. kwargs : Additional keyword arguments passes to `dask.compute`. """ if not self.is_lazy: return self output, profilers = _compute( [self], progress_bar=progress_bar, profiler=profiler, resource_profiler=resource_profiler, **kwargs, ) output = output[0] if profilers: return output, profilers return output
[docs] def copy_to_device(self, device: str) -> T: """ Copy array to specified device. Parameters ---------- device : str Returns ------- object_on_device : T """ kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = copy_to_device(self.array, device) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_cpu(self) -> T: """ Move the array to the host memory from an arbitrary source array. """ return self.copy_to_device("cpu")
[docs] def to_gpu(self, device: str = "gpu") -> T: """ Move the array from the host memory to a gpu. """ return self.copy_to_device(device)
[docs] def to_zarr( self, url: str, compute: bool = True, overwrite: bool = False, **kwargs ): """ Write data to a zarr file. Parameters ---------- url : str Location of the data, typically a path to a local file. A URL can also include a protocol specifier like s3:// for remote data. compute : bool If true compute immediately; return dask.delayed.Delayed otherwise. overwrite : bool If given array already exists, overwrite=False will cause an error, where overwrite=True will replace the existing data. kwargs : Keyword arguments passed to `dask.array.to_zarr`. """ return ComputableList([self]).to_zarr( url=url, compute=compute, overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs )
@classmethod def _pack_kwargs(cls, kwargs): attrs = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "ensemble_axes_metadata": attrs[key] = [axis_to_dict(axis) for axis in value] else: attrs[key] = value return attrs @classmethod def _unpack_kwargs(cls, attrs): kwargs = dict() kwargs["ensemble_axes_metadata"] = [] for key, value in attrs.items(): if key == "ensemble_axes_metadata": kwargs["ensemble_axes_metadata"] = [axis_from_dict(d) for d in value] elif key == "type": pass else: kwargs[key] = value return kwargs def _metadata_to_dict(self): metadata = copy.copy(self.metadata) metadata["axes"] = { f"axis_{i}": axis_to_dict(axis) for i, axis in enumerate(self.axes_metadata) } metadata["data_origin"] = f"abTEM_v{__version__}" metadata["type"] = self.__class__.__name__ return metadata def _metadata_to_json_string(self): return json.dumps(self._metadata_to_dict()) @staticmethod def _metadata_from_json_string(json_string): import abtem metadata = json.loads(json_string) cls = getattr(abtem, metadata["type"]) del metadata["type"] axes_metadata = [] for key, axis_metadata in metadata["axes"].items(): axes_metadata.append(axis_from_dict(axis_metadata)) del metadata["axes"] return cls, axes_metadata, metadata def _metadata_to_json(self): metadata = copy.copy(self.metadata) metadata["axes"] = { f"axis_{i}": axis_to_dict(axis) for i, axis in enumerate(self.axes_metadata) } metadata["data_origin"] = f"abTEM_v{__version__}" metadata["type"] = self.__class__.__name__ return json.dumps(metadata)
[docs] def to_tiff(self, filename: str, **kwargs): """ Write data to a tiff file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename of the file to write. kwargs : Keyword arguments passed to `tifffile.imwrite`. """ if tifffile is None: raise RuntimeError( "This functionality of abTEM requires tifffile, see" ) array = self.array if self.is_lazy: warnings.warn("Lazy arrays are computed in memory before writing to tiff.") array = array.compute() return tifffile.imwrite( filename, array, description=self._metadata_to_json(), **kwargs )
[docs] @classmethod def from_zarr(cls, url, chunks: int = "auto") -> T: """ Read wave functions from a hdf5 file. url : str Location of the data, typically a path to a local file. A URL can also include a protocol specifier like s3:// for remote data. chunks : tuple of ints or tuples of ints Passed to dask.array.from_array(), allows setting the chunks on initialisation, if the chunking scheme in the on-disc dataset is not optimal for the calculations to follow. """ return from_zarr(url, chunks=chunks)
@staticmethod def _apply_transform( *args, array_object_partial, transform_partial, num_transform_args, ): args = unpack_blockwise_args(args[:-1]) + (args[-1],) transform = transform_partial(*args[:num_transform_args]).item() ensemble_axes_metadata = [axis for axis in args[num_transform_args:-1]] array = args[-1] array_object = array_object_partial((array, ensemble_axes_metadata)).item() array = transform._calculate_new_array(array_object) ensemble_dims = ( len(transform.ensemble_shape) + len(array_object.ensemble_shape) + 1 ) if transform._num_outputs > 1: arr = np.zeros((1,) * ensemble_dims, dtype=object) arr.itemset(array) return arr return array @property def _has_base_chunks(self): if not isinstance(self.array, da.core.Array): return False base_chunks = self.array.chunks[-len(self.base_shape) :] return any(len(c) > 1 for c in base_chunks)
[docs] def no_base_chunks(self): """Rechunk to remove chunks across the base dimensions.""" if not self._has_base_chunks: return self chunks = self.array.chunks[: -len(self.base_shape)] + (-1,) * len( self.base_shape ) return self.rechunk(chunks)
[docs] def apply_transform( self, transform: ArrayObjectTransform, max_batch: int | str = "auto" ) -> T | ComputableList[T, ...]: """ Transform the wave functions by a given transformation. Parameters ---------- transform : ArrayObjectTransform The array object transformation to apply. max_batch : int, optional The number of wave functions in each chunk of the Dask array. If 'auto' (default), the batch size is automatically chosen based on the abtem user configuration settings "dask.chunk-size" and "dask.chunk-size-gpu". Returns ------- transformed_array_object : ArrayObjectTransform The transformed array object. """ if self.is_lazy: if not transform._allow_base_chunks and self._has_base_chunks: raise RuntimeError( f"Transform {transform.__class__} not implemented for array object with chunks along base axes, " f"compute first or use the method `.no_base_chunks` to rechunk." ) if isinstance(max_batch, int): max_batch = int(max_batch * chunks = transform._default_ensemble_chunks + self.array.chunks chunks = validate_chunks( transform.ensemble_shape + self.shape, chunks, limit=max_batch, dtype=self.dtype, ) assert chunks[len(transform.ensemble_shape) :] == self.array.chunks transform_chunks = chunks[: len(transform.ensemble_shape)] array_ensemble_chunks = self.array.chunks[: len(self.ensemble_shape)] transform_args, transform_symbols = transform._get_blockwise_args( transform_chunks ) axes_args = tuple( axis._to_blocks( (c,), ) for axis, c in zip(self.ensemble_axes_metadata, array_ensemble_chunks) ) axes_symbols = tuple( tuple_range(length=1, offset=i + len(transform.ensemble_shape)) for i, args in enumerate(axes_args) ) array_symbols = tuple_range(len(self.shape), len(transform.ensemble_shape)) num_ensemble_dims = len(transform._out_ensemble_shape(self)) # if transform._num_outputs > 4: # chunks = chunks[:num_ensemble_dims] # symbols = tuple_range(num_ensemble_dims) # meta = np.array((), dtype=object) # else: base_shape = transform._out_base_shape(self) symbols = tuple_range(num_ensemble_dims + len(base_shape)) chunks = chunks[: -len(base_shape)] + base_shape meta = transform._out_meta(self) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="Increasing number of chunks." ) new_array = da.blockwise( self._apply_transform, symbols, *interleave(transform_args, transform_symbols), *interleave(axes_args, axes_symbols), self.array, array_symbols, adjust_chunks={i: chunk for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks)}, transform_partial=transform._from_partitioned_args(), num_transform_args=len(transform_args), # noqa array_object_partial=self._from_partitioned_args(), # noqa meta=meta, align_arrays=False, concatenate=True, ) if transform._num_outputs > 1: outputs = transform._pack_multiple_outputs(self, new_array) outputs = ComputableList(outputs) return outputs else: return transform._pack_single_output(self, new_array) else: return transform.apply(self)
[docs] def set_ensemble_axes_metadata(self, axes_metadata: AxisMetadata, axis: int): """ Sets the axes metadata of an ensemble axis. Parameters ---------- axes_metadata : AxisMetadata The new axis metadata. axis : int The axis to set. """ old_axes_metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.ensemble_axes_metadata) self.ensemble_axes_metadata[axis] = axes_metadata try: self._check_axes_metadata() except RuntimeError: self._ensemble_axes_metadata = old_axes_metadata return self
[docs] def to_hyperspy(self): """Convert ArrayObject to a Hyperspy signal.""" try: import hyperspy.api as hs except ImportError: raise ImportError( "This functionality of *ab*TEM requires Hyperspy, see" ) if self._base_dims == 1: signal_type = hs.signals.Signal1D elif self._base_dims == 2: signal_type = hs.signals.Signal2D else: raise RuntimeError() axes_base = _to_hyperspy_axes_metadata( self.base_axes_metadata, self.base_shape, ) ensemble_axes_metadata = _to_hyperspy_axes_metadata( self.ensemble_axes_metadata, self.ensemble_shape, ) xp = get_array_module(self.device) axes_base_indices = tuple_range( offset=len(self.ensemble_shape), length=len(self.base_shape) ) ensemble_axes = tuple_range( offset=0, length=len(self.ensemble_shape), ) array = xp.transpose(self.array, ensemble_axes + axes_base_indices[::-1]) s = signal_type(array, axes=ensemble_axes_metadata + axes_base[::-1]) if self.is_lazy: s = s.as_lazy() return s
[docs] def to_data_array(self): """Convert ArrayObject to a xarray DataArray.""" try: import xarray as xr except ImportError: raise ImportError( "This functionality of *ab*TEM requires xarray, see" ) coords = {} dims = [] for n, axis in zip(self.shape, self.axes_metadata): x = np.array(axis.coordinates(n)) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and len(x.shape) == 2: x = [f"{i}" for i in x] elif len(x.shape) == 1: pass else: raise ValueError("The shape of the coordinates is not supported.") dims.append(axis.label) coords[axis.label] = xr.DataArray( x, name=axis.label, dims=(axis.label,), attrs={"units": axis.units} ) attrs = self.metadata attrs["long_name"] = self.metadata["label"] return xr.DataArray(self.array, dims=dims, coords=coords, attrs=attrs)
def _stack(self, arrays, axis_metadata, axis): xp = get_array_module(arrays[0].array) if any(array.is_lazy for array in arrays): array = da.stack([measurement.array for measurement in arrays], axis=axis) else: array = xp.stack([measurement.array for measurement in arrays], axis=axis) cls = arrays[0].__class__ kwargs = arrays[0]._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = array ensemble_axes_metadata = [ axis_metadata.copy() for axis_metadata in kwargs["ensemble_axes_metadata"] ] ensemble_axes_metadata.insert(axis, axis_metadata) kwargs["ensemble_axes_metadata"] = ensemble_axes_metadata return cls(**kwargs) def _partition_ensemble_axes_metadata( self, chunks: Chunks = None, lazy: bool = True ): if len(self.ensemble_shape) == 0: ensemble_axes_metadata = _wrap_with_array([], 1) else: chunks = self._validate_ensemble_chunks(chunks) ensemble_axes_metadata = np.zeros(chunk_shape(chunks), dtype=object) for index, slic in iterate_chunk_ranges(chunks): new_ensemble_axes_metadata = [] # ensemble_axes_metadata.itemset( # index, # [ # self.ensemble_axes_metadata[i][slic[i]] # for i, axis in enumerate(self.ensemble_axes_metadata) # ], # ) for i, axis in enumerate(self.ensemble_axes_metadata): try: axis = axis[slic[i]] except TypeError: axis = axis.copy() new_ensemble_axes_metadata.append(axis) ensemble_axes_metadata.itemset(index, new_ensemble_axes_metadata) if lazy: ensemble_axes_metadata = da.from_array(ensemble_axes_metadata, chunks=1) return ensemble_axes_metadata @property def _default_ensemble_chunks(self): if self.is_lazy: return self.array.chunks[: self.ensemble_dims] else: raise NotImplementedError def _partition_args(self, chunks: int = None, lazy: bool = True): if chunks is None and self.is_lazy: chunks = self.array.chunks[: -len(self.base_shape)] elif chunks is None: chunks = (1,) * len(self.ensemble_shape) chunks = self._validate_ensemble_chunks(chunks) if lazy: xp = get_array_module(self.array) array = self.ensure_lazy().array if chunks != array.chunks: array = array.rechunk(chunks + array.chunks[len(chunks) :]) ensemble_axes_metadata = self._partition_ensemble_axes_metadata( chunks=chunks ) def _combine_args(*args): return args[0], args[1].item() ndims = max(len(self.ensemble_shape), 1) blocks = da.blockwise( _combine_args, tuple_range(ndims), array, tuple_range(len(array.shape)), ensemble_axes_metadata, tuple_range(ndims), align_arrays=False, concatenate=True, dtype=object, meta=xp.array((), self.dtype), ) else: array = self.compute().array if len(self.ensemble_shape) == 0: blocks = np.zeros((1,), dtype=object) else: blocks = np.zeros(chunk_shape(chunks), dtype=object) ensemble_axes_metadata = self._partition_ensemble_axes_metadata( chunks, lazy=False ) for block_indices, chunk_range in iterate_chunk_ranges(chunks): if len(block_indices) == 0: block_indices = 0 # blocks.itemset( # block_indices, # _wrap_with_array( # (array[chunk_range], ensemble_axes_metadata[block_indices]), 1 # ), # ) blocks.itemset( block_indices, (array[chunk_range], ensemble_axes_metadata[block_indices]), ) return (blocks,) @classmethod def _from_partitioned_args_func(cls, *args, **kwargs): args = unpack_blockwise_args(args) array, ensemble_axes_metadata = args[0] assert isinstance(ensemble_axes_metadata, list) new_array_object = cls( array=array, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, **kwargs ) ndims = max(new_array_object.ensemble_dims, 1) return _wrap_with_array(new_array_object, ndims) def _from_partitioned_args(self): return partial( self._from_partitioned_args_func, **self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array", "ensemble_axes_metadata")), )
def _expand_dims(array: np.ndarray, axis: int | tuple | list) -> np.ndarray: if type(axis) not in (tuple, list): axis = (axis,) out_ndim = len(axis) + array.ndim axis = validate_axis(axis, out_ndim) shape_it = iter(array.shape) shape = [1 if ax in axis else next(shape_it) for ax in range(out_ndim)] return array.reshape(shape)
[docs] def from_zarr(url: str, chunks: Chunks = None): """ Read abTEM data from zarr. Parameters ---------- url : str Location of the data. A URL can include a protocol specifier like s3:// for remote data. chunks : tuple of ints or tuples of ints Passed to dask.array.from_array(), allows setting the chunks on initialisation, if the chunking scheme in the on-disc dataset is not optimal for the calculations to follow. Returns ------- imported : ArrayObject """ import abtem imported = [] with, mode="r") as f: i = 0 types = [] while True: try: types.append(f.attrs[f"type{i}"]) except KeyError: break i += 1 for i, t in enumerate(types): cls = getattr(abtem, t) kwargs = cls._unpack_kwargs(f.attrs[f"kwargs{i}"]) num_ensemble_axes = len(kwargs["ensemble_axes_metadata"]) if chunks == "auto": chunks = ("auto",) * num_ensemble_axes + (-1,) * cls._base_dims array = da.from_zarr(url, component=f"array{i}", chunks=chunks) with config.set({"warnings.overspecified-grid": False}): imported.append(cls(array, **kwargs)) if len(imported) == 1: imported = imported[0] return imported
[docs] def stack( arrays: Sequence[ArrayObject], axis_metadata: AxisMetadata | Sequence[str] = None, axis: int = 0, ) -> T: """ Join multiple array objects (e.g. Waves and BaseMeasurement) along a new ensemble axis. Parameters ---------- arrays : sequence of array objects Each abTEM array object must have the same type and shape. axis_metadata : AxisMetadata The axis metadata describing the new axis. axis : int The ensemble axis in the resulting array object along which the input arrays are stacked. Returns ------- array_object : ArrayObject The stacked array object of the same type as the input. """ assert axis <= len(arrays[0].ensemble_shape) assert axis >= 0 if axis_metadata is None: axis_metadata = UnknownAxis() elif isinstance(axis_metadata, (tuple, list)): if not all(isinstance(element, str) for element in axis_metadata): raise ValueError() axis_metadata = OrdinalAxis(values=axis_metadata) elif isinstance(axis_metadata, dict): axis_metadata = OrdinalAxis(**axis_metadata) elif not isinstance(axis_metadata, AxisMetadata): raise ValueError() return arrays[0]._stack(arrays, axis_metadata, axis)
[docs] def concatenate(arrays: Sequence[ArrayObject], axis: int = 0) -> T: """ Join a sequence of abTEM array classes along an existing axis. Parameters ---------- arrays : sequence of array objects Each abTEM array object must have the same type and shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis. The axis metadata along the concatenated axis must be compatible for concatenation. axis : int, optional The axis along which the arrays will be joined. Default is 0. Returns ------- array_object : ArrayObject The concatenated array object of the same type as the input. """ xp = get_array_module(arrays[0].array) if arrays[0].is_lazy: array = da.concatenate([has_array.array for has_array in arrays], axis=axis) else: array = xp.concatenate([has_array.array for has_array in arrays], axis=axis) cls = arrays[0].__class__ concatenated_axes_metadata = arrays[0].axes_metadata[axis] for has_array in arrays[1:]: concatenated_axes_metadata = concatenated_axes_metadata.concatenate( has_array.axes_metadata[axis] ) axes_metadata = copy.deepcopy(arrays[0].axes_metadata) axes_metadata[axis] = concatenated_axes_metadata return cls.from_array_and_metadata( array=array, axes_metadata=axes_metadata, metadata=arrays[0].metadata )
[docs] def swapaxes(array_object, axis1, axis2): xp = get_array_module(array_object.array) if array_object.is_lazy: array = da.swapaxes(array_object.array, axis1, axis2) else: array = xp.swapaxes(array_object.array, axis1, axis2) cls = array_object.__class__ axes_metadata = copy.copy(array_object.axes_metadata) axes_metadata[axis2], axes_metadata[axis1] = ( axes_metadata[axis1], axes_metadata[axis2], ) return cls.from_array_and_metadata( array=array, axes_metadata=axes_metadata, metadata=array_object.metadata )
[docs] def move_item(lst, from_index, to_index): element = lst.pop(from_index) lst.insert(to_index, element) return lst
[docs] def moveaxis(array_object, source, destination): xp = get_array_module(array_object.array) if array_object.is_lazy: array = da.moveaxis(array_object.array, source, destination) else: array = xp.moveaxis(array_object.array, source, destination) cls = array_object.__class__ axes_metadata = copy.copy(array_object.axes_metadata) for s, d in zip(reversed(source), reversed(destination)): axes_metadata = move_item(axes_metadata, s, d) return cls.from_array_and_metadata( array=array, axes_metadata=axes_metadata, metadata=array_object.metadata )
def _concatenate_axes_metadata(axes_metadata): if len(axes_metadata) == 0: raise RuntimeError() while len(axes_metadata) > 1: axes_metadata = [ *axes_metadata[:-2], axes_metadata[-2].concatenate(axes_metadata[-1]), ] return axes_metadata[0] # def _unpack_array_object_blocks(blocks): # new_blocks = np.empty(blocks.shape, dtype=object) # for indices in np.ndindex(blocks.shape): # new_blocks[indices] = blocks[indices].array # return new_blocks # def _axes_metadata_from_array_object_blocks(blocks): # if blocks.ravel()[0].ensemble_dims == 0: # return [] # axes_metadata = [] # for i, n in enumerate(blocks.shape): # index = tuple(slice(None) if j == i else 0 for j in range(len(blocks.shape))) # axes_metadata.append( # _concatenate_axes_metadata( # [ # block.ensemble_axes_metadata[i] # for block in blocks[index] # if len(block.ensemble_axes_metadata) # ] # ) # ) # return axes_metadata # def _concat_array_object_ensemble_blocks(blocks) -> ArrayObject: # array_blocks = _unpack_array_object_blocks(blocks) # concat_array = concatenate_array_blocks(array_blocks) # #concat_axes_metadata = _axes_metadata_from_array_object_blocks(blocks) # concat_array_object = ArrayObject(array=concat_array) # #concat_array_object = ArrayObject(array=concat_array, ensemble_axes_metadata=concat_axes_metadata) # return concat_array_object # def _concat_array_object_ensemble_blocks2(blocks) -> ArrayObject: # array_blocks = _unpack_array_object_blocks(blocks) # concat_array = concatenate_array_blocks(array_blocks) # concat_array_object = ArrayObject(array=concat_array) # return concat_array_object